

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Scientific Hypothesis/Thesis on "Prayer"

After Years of Study, Research, Contemplation, Etc.
I am ready to make a conclusion
not the end all, be all, law
but think Science...cause then we could say I'm making a claim:

That which is called Prayer is something Invented, like fire, the wheel, aqueducts for plumbing, roads, chairs, bicycles, clothes, etc.

It's not that the Prayer Owns the Entity.
If you agree with me that Prayer was Invented by Conscious Beings
then you could see the Structure that I am Seeing; and that is that Prayer is an Activity/Action INVENTED by Conscious Beings.

That's important to see because then if one chooses to Pray (in all it's myriad forms), for whatever reason/s, at least he/she won't do it with the mindset that he/she is begging Someone nor believing that he/she HAS to beg Someone.
If you see Prayer as an Invention, then you are Free from it at the very onset.  It doesn't Own you because if it does you've already lost at the starting gate.  Then One can "Pray" Freely w/o the encumbrance of have-tos; shoulds; obligations and/or empty, meaningless, impotent & robotic rituals, et al.
If you are disempowered then the prayer itself will be disempowered.

But, on the other hand, if you think you control everything then you are the limited ego again that doesn't have the Power to Do (by Do here I don't mean the ordinary definition doing but the Spiritual Definition of Doing in the sense of having Eternal Effectiveness as opposed to transitory effectiveness) so THAT can't be the answer.

[on control: you WILL suffer - try you will.  Oh!  Try you will...but your efforts will fail you..."I must be the mere limited ego controlling again - and it's not working]

So there must be a Third Way or Force that is both TrueSelf Empowered/OnePointed and yet, of course, not the limited ego trying, again, futilely.

Perhaps, the Years of brainwashing and control by religion & society - the prison planet - have made it so that when entities pray, there's a subconscious belief embedded, implied & assumed that you're a bitch!  That the very fact that you are praying, meditating, chanting, etc. automatically implies that you are trueSelf disempowered (and weak & impotent) and we don't like that because that means we can't control our destiny and if we can't control our destiny then how do we have Meaning.  Are we just subject to fate & chance?  Are the Great Ones like Jesus , Buddha, etc. just lucky to have been somehow chosen and the rest of us unlucky ones need to somehow beg (and that begging may or may not work) to be "favored" like the Great Ones of Freedom & Liberation?!  No, THAT'S not it.

But, if Prayer was somehow Invented by Enlightened Conscious Beings then that seems to resolve the dilemna.
'Cause that way we don't have to believe we have to go around controlling everything in order to convince ourselves that we are in control (True Self Empowered, Etc.) on the one hand (which doesn't seem right) and on the other hand if we DO decide to engage Prayer, Meditation, Chanting (Usage of The Power of Words) Etc. we don't have to have the mindset that our behavior means we are giving our Power away to some tyranny of negative mind control.

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