

Monday, October 21, 2019

Out of Compassion I Have To Say...

.....when people talk about epilepsy or autism or other conditions considered pathological, I’d like to offer the following which may not get “through” but I see something so I gotta say that I think:

That many of these conditions appear to me as symptoms of Awakening!!!

And are NOT being interpreted that way.

The Soul and Spirit “inside” all of us “leaking” to the surface of one’s experience.....

The God inside of all us trying to make its presence known and felt.

We’re just not interpreting these “symptoms” in that way.

We‘re interpretating these “symptoms” as pathological then wonder why we have so much trouble piecing together the right medicines when we were misdiagnosing the situation all along!!!!!

I know these are big things we’re talking about. But if it’s the truth it’s the truth..better to face the absolute truth and make the changes than to ignore the truth, lie to oneself and make things worse with misdiagnoses.....