

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Giving Thanks is Appreciating,
Appreciating is not only "appreciating what one has"...
'Tis also Transforming the negative into Positive
thereby having the Satisfaction of Allowing more into one's Life

We did not come here to anxiously parse that which we appreciate from that which we do not
that's not very ambitious given who we Truly are..

If this seems impossible
REMEMBER that One's Reality is Perceived as One's Mind.

Remember that One's Work - WHY we are here, The Work that we are here to do as it were - takes place as One's Mind so the Words of the Masters resonate:

It's not what you do to & with your body, it's what you do to and/or AS your Mind...then we can use the word Faith in it's proper manner...

Friday, November 7, 2014

Being Right on Philosophy Doesn't Neccesarily Mean Being Right in Actuality...

We Agree with modern republicans in the Belief that:

"what's Right is what's Right is what's Right."

That's not the issue.
The issue is on what it MEANS to be "Right."
A more Evolved Mind sees not in a static frozen state of affairs.
It sees things from a Higher Scale and thus inCLUDES in the Proportion MORE Variables...

Yes, the Higher Way is Proportional NOT equational.
Equational thinking is also known as karmic thinking - what Jesus described by his famous term:

"you reap what you sow."

But, that's only for minds who function in a karmic way.

That's NOT the Divine Way of Grace that the very same, supposedly, God Worshipping republicans claim to endorse.

If I'm a self proclaimed God worshipping republican that Believes & preaches that God should be in charge and that that's the best way to govern then I should operate according to the Law of God which is BeYOND karma or cause & effect!

That's the area of discrepancy - on WHAT being aligned with God IS...

So in this department - namely, God - we might say that, generally, self proclaimed "republican christians" are right philosophically in their Belief in God, but not necesarily Right in terms of Understanding of what that means practically speaking.

For starters, Intuitive Understanding....

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Aloha Comfort Island, HelLOOO Unknown

Dad: Son, you see that Island we're leaving..
Son: Yes Daddy.
Dad:It's called Comfort Island.  You see that wide open Unknown Ocean we're going towards.
Son: Yes Dadda.
Dad: It's where the Truth lies & Comfort Island is where the lie resides.  You see Son, comfort & discomfort are BOTH illusions, least when we're going Forwards we're going WITH Nature for the Psychological effect of going forward induces health while the psychological effects of going backwards produces negative emotions that are not Healthy for your body-mind Personality.  That's just the way it is...
Son: I Know Da.