

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

X-Ray Vision

All conditions can be seen THROUGH; thus, the thought of blindness is not neccesarily blindness; the thought of death thru calamity is NOT neccesarily death thru calamity either. the thought of being wrong is not neccesarily being wrong.

flow Through your body; RAYdiate it. :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

latest thoughts on music:

Beauty of say, piano is that each octave is a whole Universe
Imagine that..a piano player has so many universes with which to Play and Create Divinely..Art...

a piano..a Multiverse at her "beck-and-call"

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

No Progress Without Sacrifice

no progress without Sacrifice..let the misunderstanding begin...:)

Monday, May 16, 2011


born in strife
like a lotus amidst the muck & mire
yet itself remains unstained...

Mafu's Darshan for Women

"One day as has happened on every 3rd dimensional planet that has ever day all the men will be gone, because men never never can sustain the karmic right to incarnate existence once Enlightenment begins to become on a planet. They must now go forth in their own disappointment and find new ways to produce life and those who Enlighten as men they become deities; and as on every 3rd dimensional planet the only beings that walk are Christed women, who are Deities, Christed men, who are Deities, and specially women.

Your planet will see SuperConsciousness sooner than you know

Your men will pass into wind but for those who have God; some of your women will move into attainment, most will remain and they will become one with God, woman to God and from that they will Grow because it has always been that way. You by touching what you really can bring so many of your men with you, so many of your people with you. Your men, the ones that are ready for Enlightenment, they are like women, haven't you noticed?! Your men, they must come through your womb as it were; and you, if not for Enlightenment, simply for Happiness all the time You must Taste of yourself Eat of yourself of what you REALLY are of what your qualities REALLY are and from that, if nothing else, there is only Joy and from that there is great Realization. You contemplate this."


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mission Statement

To Awaken the World through film...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.
Alexis de Tocqueville

Read more:

Friday, May 13, 2011

sex...cells...get cells...

Soul is not sell..ular. it's Mole..cular. no one likes a woman with a Mole on her face, not sex-y; doesn't cell...

But, Soul is more eternal than cells...

Spirit is Elect


Auras are not really blobs of energy. They're movable bands that if manipulated deliberately can result in INCREASE in energy, alertness, capability, healing ability, not to mention the more outrageous things that can happen to you if you learn how to spin them to the point that you just flat out dissappear.

We have two sets of bands, each with seven frequencies from Hertzian through Infrared, Visible Light, Ultraviolet Blue, X-Ray, Gamma Ray & Infinite Unknown.

Top of correspondi
i reMEMber Ramtha... I

Monday, May 9, 2011


and there they were;
in Heaven..
could smell them through autumn air
'twas a time of limbo it seemed
the future was coming

well ..'tis here

..and 'tis still now

'tis a miracle!

it is unbelievable
only explanation is I AM God.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

greatest weapon's no bomb or missile; 'tis the mind's Will to Conquer oneself - even if it kills you.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

True Freedom

communists are averse to property
capitalists "hold to" property
they are BOTH clinging
clinging is an obstacle to Freedom

lukewarm never boils

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Monday, May 2, 2011


If you've died before, reincarnation's correct
If you haven't, then death is an unknown aspect of our consciousness :)