

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Your Soul

No one can destroy your Soul
but you can act as if someone or some event did.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Become Your Ideal

If not Now..WHY?!!! (not when..WHY)
Love Your Enemies
Realize God
"There's nothing that I can't Do."
Believe the impossible; AIDS can't touch me; not the real me.
Live Your Dream
I can Heal anything: cancer, AIDS, blindness.
I can raise from the dead.  
If not now when!
If not now WHY?!! ;) :)
Live your dream.
Transform negatives to Positives :)
ALL negatives 'cluding "old age" ;)

Joviality..wanting to be Leading Man..Hero.  Stud.  UNemasculated.  

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I Pray..

I Pray..Declaratively.

Communicate..with God.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"You can handle hurt...

and You can Do Hard Things."  Warrior

Monday, June 11, 2012

What is "What"?

Ascension, UFOs..

think Ascension may be related to "UFO"s beaming Entity Up as well...Entanglement of Highly Evolved Beings' Crafts And Highly Evolved Beings on a Planet.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Accumulator, Efforts

"A very important role in the human machine is played by a certain kind ofaccumulator. There are two small accumulators near each center filled with the particular substance necessary for the work of the given center.

"In addition, there is in the organism a large accumulator which feeds the small ones. The small accumulators are connected together, and further, each of them is connected with the center next to which it stands, as well as with the large accumulator."

G. drew a general diagram of the "human machine" and pointed out the positions of the large and small accumulators and the connections between them.

"Accumulators work in the following way," he said. "Let us suppose that a man is working or is reading a difficult book and trying to understand it, in which case several 'rolls' revolve in the thinking apparatus in his head. Or let us suppose that he is walking up a hill and is getting tired, in which case the 'rolls' revolve in the moving center.

"In the first instance the intellectual center, and in the second the moving center, draw the energy necessary for their work from the small accumulators. When an accumulator is nearly empty a man feels tired. He would like to stop, to sit down if he is walking, to think of something else if he is solving a difficult problem. But quite unexpectedly he feels an inflow of strength, and he is once more able to walk or to work. This means that the center has become connected with the second accumulator and is taking energy from it. Meanwhile the first accumulator is refilling with energy from the large accumulator. The work of the center goes on. The man continues to walk or to work. Sometimes a short rest is required to insure this connection. Sometimes a shock, sometimes an effort. Anyway, the work goes on. After a certain time the store of energy in the second accumulator also becomes exhausted. The man again feels tired.

"Again an external shock, or a short rest, or a cigarette, or an effort, and he is connected with the first accumulator. But it may easily happen that the center has drawn energy from the second accumulator so quickly that the first one has had no time to refill itself from the large accumulator, and has taken only half the energy it can hold; it is only half full.

"Having become reconnected with the first accumulator the center begins to draw energy from it, while the second accumulator becomes connected with and draws energy from the large accumulator. But this time the first accumulator was only half full. The center quickly exhausts its energy, and in the meantime the second accumulator has succeeded in getting only a quarter full. The center becomes connected with it, swiftly exhausts all its energy, and connects once more with the first accumulator, and so on. After a certain time the organism is brought to such a state that neither of the small accumulators has a drop of energy left. This time the man feels really tired. He almost falls down, he almost drops asleep, or else his organism becomes affected, he starts a headache, palpitations begin, or he feels sick.

"Then suddenly, again a short rest, or an external shock, or an effort, brings a new flow of energy and the man is once more able to think, to walk, or to work.

"This means that the center has become connected directly to the large accumulator. The large accumulator contains an enormous amount of energy. Connected with the large accumulator a man is literally able to perform miracles.

-Gurdjieff quoted by Ouspensky, ISOTM p.240-1

    • Lemmy Caution 

      ‎"Our aim, on the contrary, is to learn to connect the necessary center with the large accumulator. So long as we are unable to do this, all our work will be wasted because we shall fall asleep before our efforts can give any kind of results.

      "Small accumulators suffice for the ordinary, everyday work of life. But for work on oneself, for inner growth, and for the efforts which are required of a man who enters the way, the energy from these small accumulators is not enough.

      "We must learn how to draw energy straight from the large accumulator.

      "This however is possible only with the help of the emotional center. It is essential that this be understood. The connection with the large accumulator can be effected only through the emotional center. The instinctive, moving, and intellectual centers, by themselves, can feed only on the small accumulators.

      "This is precisely what people do not understand. Therefore their aim must be the development of the activity of the emotional center. The emotional center is an apparatus much more subtle than the intellectual center, particularly if we take into consideration the fact that in the whole of the intellectual center the only part that works is the formatory apparatus and that many things are quite inaccessible to the intellectual center. If anyone desires to know and to understand more than he actually knows and understands, he must remember that this new knowledge and this new understanding will come through the emotional center and not through the intellectual center."

      -Gurdjieff quoted by Ouspensky, ISOTM, p. 242

      31 minutes ago · 

    • Lemmy Caution 

      ‎"You must understand," he said, "that ordinary efforts do not count. Only superefforts count. And so it is always and in everything. Those who do not wish to make super-efforts had better give up everything and take care of their health."

      -ibid, p. 239

      "...If a man sets himself a task of some sort he very quickly begins to be indulgent with himself. He tries to accomplish his task in the easiest way possible and so on. This is not work. In work only super-efforts are counted, that is, beyond the normal, beyond the necessary; ordinary efforts are not counted."


      "But in actual practice a man can never bring himself to make super-efforts consecutively or for a long time; to do this another person's will is necessary which would have no pity and which would have method.

      -ibid, p.354

      22 minutes ago · 

    • Lemmy Caution 

      ‎"If a man were able to work on himself everything would be very simple and schools would be unnecessary. But he cannot, and the reasons for this lie very deep in his nature. I will leave for the moment his insincerity with himself, the perpetual lies he tells himself, and so on, and take only the division of the centers. This alone makes independent work on himself impossible for a man. You must understand that the three principal centers, the thinking, the emotional, and the moving, are con-nected together and, In a normal man, they are always working in unison. This unison is what presents the chief difficulty in work on oneself. What is meant by this unison? It means that a definite work of the thinking center is connected with a definite work of the emotional and moving centers—that is to say, that a certain kind of thought is inevitably connected with a certain kind of emotion (or mental state) and with a certain kind of movement (or posture); and one evokes the other, that is, a certain kind of emotion (or mental state) evokes certain movements or postures and certain thoughts, and a certain kind of movement or posture evokes certain emotions or mental states, and so forth. Everything is connected and one thing cannot exist without another thing.

      "Now imagine that a man decides to think in a new way. But he feels in the old way. Imagine that he dislikes R." He pointed to one of those present. "This dislike of R. immediately arouses old thoughts and he forgets his decision to think in a new way. Or let us suppose that he is accustomed to smoking cigarettes while he is thinking—this is a moving habit. He decides to think in a new way. He begins to smoke a cigarette and thinks in the old way without noticing it. The habitual movement of lighting a cigarette has turned his thoughts round to the old tune. You must remember that a man can never break this accordance by himself. Another man's will is necessary, and a stick is necessary. All that a man who wants to work on himself can do at a certain stage of his work is to obey. He can do nothing by himself.

      "More than anything else he needs constant supervision and observation. He cannot observe himself constantly. Then he needs definite rules the fulfillment of which needs, in the first place, a certain kind of self-remembering and which, in the second place, helps in the struggle with habits. A man cannot do all this by himself. In life everything is always arranged far too comfortably for man to work. In a school a man finds himself among other people who are not of his own choosing and with whom perhaps it is very difficult to live and work, and usually in uncomfortable and unaccustomed conditions. This creates tension between, him and the others. And this tension is also indispensable because it gradually chips away his sharp angles.

      "Then work on moving center can only be properly organized in a school. As I have already said, the wrong, independent, or automatic work of the moving center deprives the other centers of support and they involuntarily follow the moving center. Often, therefore, the sole possibility of making the other centers work in a new way is to begin with the moving center; that is with the body. A body which is lazy, automatic, and full of stupid habits stops any kind of work."

      -ibid. p 354-5



is worse than "nigger"
worse than "gook"
worse than "nip"
worse than "faggot"
worse than "ginnie"

what say You...


Interesting thing 'bout Ascension is "what/who is Ascending?"
Who Am I..(what am I)

Friday, June 8, 2012

America used to have covert racism of North vs. overt racism of South
Now, World's got covert control of the west vs overt control in the east.

Time for a Global Awakening

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Courage is my Right Hand Man
God Realization is my Technique
Ego Death is the Goal
Awakening is a State
A Placeless Place ...of Intu

The "machine" is the National Security STATE

Mine is a "STATE of Awakening"

Awakening is the Result

All are objects in/of my Consciousness
or death

so be it


THANKS to RAM's HELP I don't avert headaches.
"HEADACHE" preceded my Enlightenment!

TQ RAM for being rough tough WARRIOR 'gainst limitation and pettiness -physically & Dimensionally (Focuswise).