

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Incense of Burning Garbage

Mild Spring Night in Atlatia -- Surprisingly so
OverCast to keep in the warmth
Smell of burn..
like the ever-present &
uncontrollable burning that goes on in Jungly Third World countries
... adding great Charm to One's Experience
like the Best Incense of burning garbage--the Economy & Raw Primitiveness of it All
Makes me want to be Out More...11:34PM now
4 hours til Witching Hour
Did My Clearing Declarative Walk
Got 'Nother One coming.
tremors out Here
but as our Host knows
sometimes can't tell if they're outside or In

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Two Kinds of..."Masters"

There were two "Masters" of a particular Art Form not long ago...
they did NOT see Eye to eye.
when the one died..
the Other said to her Students:
We'll have a moment of silence...a man of the Theater it will take 50 years to undo the harm he did.

There are two kinds of ..."Masters" I think.
One that is Devoted to his/her Craft/Field but in a way that they are mastering that art/craft.
Another is Devoted to God, Freedom, whatever you want to call it
and what they Do is a By-Product of That Freedom or Quest for Ascension..

For great as Michelangelo became, he said on his deathbed that all his life he was perfecting the wrong art.

As a Wise Man said, Leonardo succeeded where Michelangelo failed.

It is the altered ego that is the preventer of God Realization.
For the minute you make the Hard 90 Degree Turn Towards It you make Yet Another than undoes what you just did and instead of Going to Freedom you take a SECOND Hard-90-Degree Turn to Remain in the box of the personality: 666

no fear needed
just Know how

Thursday, April 4, 2013


The "Tyrants" are not "different" from Us..