

Friday, March 31, 2017

males will have strong feelings come up because of women and even young women...
and that is why there should be a general divine policy when it comes to females in general...
when you live a yin yang dualistic reality it's very important to channel your energy to your Soul...

Monday, March 27, 2017

Should I say "its better to die than to not Live" is an expose of the vacuum...or more like a statement OF the vacuum...
When darth vader searched Obi Wan's robe to no avail..that was an example of one not being able to what?

PERCEIVE The Vacuum!...

Then people are stuck with the either/or paradigm
They have to compromise their Dreams
good and weak victims* or bad with the illusion of power...

*footnote on good and weak because I could hear the thoughts/feelings "not me!!! I'm STRONG!!!"  yeah that strategy will last for so long till you get some debilitating condition. ..that strategy only works for small conquests. ..also one is lible to swing to the other extreme and become a tyrant like darth vader. ..which prevents Evolution past certain point...

Sunday, March 26, 2017


When one Awakens there is this other threshold...that threshold is real....but deception makes it seem "ok" if it didn't even is ULTRA Personal...when one is SHOCKed Awake that Shock Awakens them out of the hypnosis of deception...but when the threat is gone the hypnosis soon as you implement an alarm clock one is lible to get used to it ...

So you might say "oh that must be why we used to have to have perpetual wars to keep us Awake!!!"

Let me say it would be much more Wise to Shock ourSELVES Deliberately and Consciously rather than needing violent wars to Awaken us...

So here we see the mutual codependence of victimhood with violent solutions...

If we don't deal Consciously and with Reality then it eventually forces itself into manifestation in ways we will not neccesarily like.
he worried 'bout wasting time...
and so he wasted time..
obviously each Moment is equally important...
Some people talk about The Secret...
well, perhaps The Secret...

Sunday, March 19, 2017


So satanism is of the body
lucifereanism is of the intellect...
they are the false prophets
false ways
could easily creep into religions...
not to mention society secularly...


late egyptian empires

SO...whenever something...ANYthing is made known, Quantum Physics makes it that you will again NOT know something if we know that these are limited to current ages...

what 's the Religion of ALL Ages?!!

Einstein touched on that...

If we know that... what's now unknown.

What is the Religion of ALL UNIVERSES

The Mind of God

think on it...1st coming happened at the beginning of Pisces
WHAT?! need evidence?! what year is it..2017


get me...

every ~2000 years it it's the new age now ..Age of Aquarius...Second Coming of Christ ...

The question is why wasn't the 1st Coming the Second Coming .

b/c control and power doesn't get these Spiritual Matters so it allows for the current age religion which means forgetting the past...unless you could control it to serve power...the very limited know taxes...

So we get our 1st Coming and now our 2nd Coming...

there are two things to say...

1st is the obvious...will we be forgetful again like last age's beginning...

BUT!!! Something much more exciting to say here...

It just so happens that out of the 12 ages
TWO of them are Ages of Light...meaning we cross through the light band of the Milky Way...


That's why you're so Excited...that feeling you have...tbc

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Kid asks
Is it better to be jack of many trades
Master of One...
Great Focus Contemplation..
knowing that answers aren't the point.

Friday, March 3, 2017

To Transcend the Earth one would have Realized ALL that The Earth IS...the lava, radioactive elements, the absolute cold...etc. ..Isness is Transcendent 😇

Proportionality is key...this statement above is mind blowing ðŸ˜‡

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Awaken the World as Mission

Leaders Know what others don't
but, virtually all don't Know including the leader
that is why they are leaders