

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Significance of Expression

Expression of the West I understand now
Is why we need Liberty and Freedom..
But Expression because without emotions...
how would we Grow...
on a Soul level...

Transform/Transmute negative emotions to positive
as Gurdjieff/Ouspensky said
[what they taught stems from prehistoric Egypt.]

To round off...the East specializes in Ramtha says.
Obviously we need both..
But today I speak of my realization...of the western part of it.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Gift of Life

The grooves of personality
interfacing with the quantum mechanism of transformation
which is in essence the eternal...

why that word?
that thought...
must be The Soul. Individual ity
leading to dna
equating privilege...

The Gift of Life

Saturday, April 1, 2017

It's kinda arrogant to say "humbly" that "I'm less than."

here is the Universe
it's closer than the chin on your face
It's here and now...
can't get away from it
what makes YOU...or I
so special
that we stand out from amidst this Mind of God
to say we're not Special?!!

I'm Special because I'm NOT Special...
that's what that's saying
doers get into a groove or a rhythym and that's where they thrive and "love" the most...but that's missing something...Consciousness...

thinkers care about being precise and seeing the whole picture - ideally - and so might lack the energy of the doer....

if you could be both a thinker and a doer you'd have the basic equation

but it's not an equation
it's a proportion...

so the third part needed is Mysticism...the perception of God...or Love or Idealism or Absolute Truth...or True Freedom

Conscious Beings Indeed are rare...

successful people are relatively many but Conscious Beings are Rare...

let alone Christs...

tis our brithright to Realize God...anyone who tyrannically thwarts that is corrupt

oh i know you don't like that word...okay substitute with the word Freedom...