

Monday, January 19, 2015

The LARGER Processes of the Soul

If the Intellect can only talk about what has hapPENED!!!  and does not have the Power to CREATE the Future Now...(fancy way of saying Create Reality Masterfully/Effectively),
Then why Study you might think/deduce?!

Makes sense doesn't the intellect, that is.

This question "Why Study" asked in the aforementioned manner above is linear-based and thus produces linear deductions.  That's poor putting up a strawman to beat it down easily.

Perhaps we could look at this Subject in a Whole Other Way.

What if Study & Effective Analysis are not to force via Intellect to create a particular result.
What if True Study & Scholarship ARE the Result and not the cause and that that's why many people give up on Deeper Knowledge & Study - because their Intellects "reasoned" in a linear way that "I" had to Create a Reality
rather than that the Reality is ALREADY Created!!!
And all "I" had to do was to Invite & Allow "I" to Channel the Creation
AND that the Process of Study is a neccesary FUNCTION of this Quantum Mechanism - like an exhaust pipe allows for the processed fuel (food) of a car to be released away...

[Perhaps the Soul is that "Quantum Machine" for this Analogy.]

So Study, then, would be not to get a particular result.

Study and all Conscious Endeavors like Arts & Sciences, Politics, Etc. would be the Processes of exhaustion/Excretion themselves neccesary for a Larger Process to Occur 'cause then we could say that the Soul needs to Eat and whenever there's Digestion there must be Excretion...

To be sure, some of Terms, Ideas, Et Al You see here are not a Julienh' Original, but That which I've come to Understand Is...

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