

Sunday, August 1, 2010

911 Attacks

People, in regards to the 911 attacks on America, say things like: we need to protect our borders and nation from our enemies. People say we need to protect ourselves from the enemies withIN..That they are actually inborn; that gives one the sensation of insidious potential danger. In other words, it's one thing if the enemy is "out there" but it's so much worse that they are amongst us and we can't tell who's a patriot/friend and who's a potential terrorist. Then of course they can justify such things as the Patriot Act or phone-tapping, etc. The line by Bush was we need to keep our country safe.

However, how dominant in the media was the line that we need to protect our nation from itself. Here, we can talk about Benjamin Franklin's Virtues (not the least his private ones). Could it be that America was weakened because of the degradation of it's moral quality. Going to college and now being out in the work world I have witnessed a certain way of talking about women by men with which women haplessly go along.

When there is declining moral fiber then you get what you call "below the belt humor." Lazy focus allows this to happen. A man once taught me that the sexual energy inherent within man and woman can go in two ways: one direction is to the body..the other is to the Soul.

I Say, that is where we need to be putting our energies..into the Soul. That implies focus which leads to getting things done properly. It means people won't be scared to be virtuous because it's unpopularity; but then again virtue need not popular consent for it's enaction.

Individually and collectively, if one's backbone is not strong ..then where is the strength. A country is not strong when it has "strong" leaders and weak followers..IS IT?! Let's put it this way..wouldn't a nation be even stronger if not only were the leaders strong but so were the people! I'm saying that a person and people become strong when their moral fiber becomes strong and the way is to remain focused. "The price for Freedom is eternal vigilance." As Jesus said: keep the light of your lamp lit for all time.

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