
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Conscious Beingness
I'm starting to think that Higher Work is done amidst the emotions!
But, I thought you said that emotions are the limited human and that the Higher Realms are Soul, Spirit, Zero Point, Etc. & that these are beYOND the emotions.
How could this be.
Because in Acting, Behaving, Thinking, Speaking, etc. we cannot help but to be entangled with emotions.
emotions are the result not the cause.
these effects that we call emotions are what sway us, tempt us, convince us to go in a particular direction with our investigation, Contemplation, Study, Exploration, Adventure, belief-formation, Etc.
IF a negative emotion is so scary that we are too unwilling to explore a certain idea, thought experiment, endeavor, etc. then we never Grow or really Evolve. It's same old same old as our telomeres wear thin and we grow old & die.
If a negative emotion is so repulsive that we judge something as off limits then we likewise thwart growth and are libel to become superstitious and like those old villagers who think airplanes are demons & television is the devil (you know....the excessive demonization that some/many fall prey to like in that M. Night Shyamalan Film The Village).
Quantum Physics-Wise...Quantum Mechanically speaking, aversion is a form of clinging which is a prevention of Growth as well.
By making a rule that something is off limits, we are creating a vacuum - an "air bubble" if you wish - & Nature abhors a vacuum. Nature Desires to "rush in" to those vacuums to make known the unknown (hopefully in a Wise Way).
What we resist persists. What we look at disappears.
This is where some/many may go astray because they think they must let go of any & all resistance and fall prey to any & all temptations such as lust & spilling of seed.
Categorically NOT what we're saying.
We learn to think & behave in Threes, like a Triad.
When we do that, then we have the Wisdom of the Higher Mind to Guide us to the Right Exploration, the Right Investigation, the Right Study, Etc.
[I must make a brief side note for those who will accuse: "who is anyone to say what is the Right Way?!" I reiterate: "one's Own Higher Mind." So you see there's no need for negative reaction and/or accusations of forcing upon others one's own will; it's one's OWN Higher Mind, no one else; we can put that worry/concern to rest here. So Be That.]
This is where commitment & tenacity come into play because we have to let go of our old ways of our personality that insists on pleasure & the many images we have of what life is about - pleasure, emotions, being a limited human being, etc.
We learn that there are options.
We learn about the New Human - that which we call a Conscious Being...
Who are some examples of Conscious Beings?
Let's start with a short list just to give an idea of what & who we're dealing with:
Elizabeth I, William Blake, Marcus Aurelius, Buddha, Jesus, Shakespeare, Davinci, not Michelangelo, Lao Tsu, Lincoln, Walt Whitman, Etc.
Forgive my ignorance; I'm certain there are Great Conscious Beings of many many different Races, Colors, Sexes, Etc. This is just to give an idea of what & who we're dealing with; of what One's Future holds once we Invite & Allow it.
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