
Sunday, August 10, 2014
male Female past Future...
Another Insightful and/or Enlightening Application of the idea that Women are closer to God then men:
Just as Women are innately closer to God than men and thus should be Respected accordingly for that,
the best way to deal with issues is via the Future Now rather than the past now & since the Future corresponds to the Female and the past to the male...need I say more.
one allows oneself to "See things as they are" instead of being averse to seeing things which may be frightful (even within oneself); to Face one's fears in order to dissolve them.
So-called demons are really angels in disguise; when we look face to face at our inner demons we can dissolve them.
However, we Do need Inner/Spiritual Technology (Sidenote: it IS possible to misuse inner technology just as it is possible to misuse outer/external technology).
we need to understand that we are Principally Nothing/Void Contemplating ourselves into Something....
the "demons" can serve as Runners to Wake us up to the use and/or Application of the Inner Technology; to Upgrade one's "Operating System" to a Spiritual One rather than a limited/limiting one.
then was the demon not really an Angel "in disguise?" Perhaps only to those who've used the Runner to Awaken them. Others will continue to resist the evil, thereby PERPETUATING IT!!!
The Upgrade benefits one in EVERY part of their Life. (no need to hesitate...)
What if all "past" mistakes, not just the big ones, but the little subtle ones that one can notice throughout one's moment to moment daily living were not because of something i just DID 3 seconds ago, but because of something I'm failing to Do NOW?! Doesn't one feel bad when they hesitate getting on with life? So I put it to you that when we blame ourselves or external factors for past regrets that make us feel negative emotions, that it's probably more accurate to say one feels negative emotion because they are not Doing NOW what would make them feel Positive what's that thing to be Doing Now that would Allow one to feel Positive emotion 'stead of negative?
Something one has never done before. Who's to say, once that New thing is done, that we can't keep doing New things over and over again??? There IS nothing that says we can't Live like that!
See how the Unknown of the Future is more akin to the Female Mind than the past oriented male mind that tends to repeat the past like a gerbil on a wheel without even like questioning why or for what Eternal purpose....
Notice how the ego wants to control everything at the expense of the Unknown Newness of the Future...while the Female Mind is more, and PROPERLY SO I should say, akin to Explore the Unknown Future....less controlling, more fearless.
Fearlessness is a trait of a Spiritually Awakening Being as well & that's where the looking at & Transforming of "demons" & negative emotions come into play. For, what if One of those "New" things one could do in the Now Moment is to Transform negative emotions into Positive Ones via Seeing THROUGH obstacles and/or problems. To redefine so that one's Reality SERVES you instead of keeping you from Living Fully. So that one may Realize Unlimitedness rather than limitedness in any form.
Furthermore, there may be something one has a habit of being averse to; something one hasn't digested for years because of parents, teachers, society, etc. & not being properly Mentored (which is Most of us). Thus, something that one is unconsciously averse to which is EXACTLY what they should be doing (i.e.: digesting something, doing a particular thing in particular ways. For example if one was stifled from using their Voice & Speech much of their young life then they might have an unconscious habit of stifling their voice & speech which prevents them from releasing pressure where it needs to be released like a car exhaust pipe releases exhaust.) for their Greatest Satisfaction that Moment.
So we see how one might go backwards to the past instead of looking "squarely" at the Present because of being taught and negatively coached into NOT being Present; improperly taught to be self conscious, hesitant, fearful, shy, self-doubting, etc. etc.
Let's say you start using an aspect of your being that hasn't been used much - underused - and with proper Mentoring you start making those baby steps to using those vital aspects of your being. Then you get, say, a sore throat. The personality might get worried, "oh no what if that's this or that disease?!"
Sometimes, we have pain not because we did something improperly but because we never used it before! Underusage leading to atrophy can be shocking when suddenly used.
Not to be thwarted by initial such shocks. To be Future Forward Moving.
Finally then, it's important to make sure what we're calling our "Highest Excitement" or Greatest Satisfaction of the Now Moment is Truly so and not a covering up, out of aversion, of Doing something else that we're averse to from improper training/mentoring/guidance.
Footnote: there are "People," Places, Events, Etc. that can Teach this Inner Technology but it's not just anyone...and there are false masters too so...sometimes the True Master is called by some false and the false master might be called by some the genuine article when they're not.
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