She thought she was afraid of mortality…
but maybe she was afraid of IMmortality!
Because of the Intensity of Work - The Ultra High Frequency of Work that would be required...

Friday, December 26, 2014
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Are You Living the Life of an Adventurer...
Are You Living the Life of an Explorer....
Are You Living the Life of a WOOOOO YA!!!
Fight the Good Fight
Be Clean
Wen everything be fine
and you still ain't fine
probably means
you misdefined
what's being fine
In eradicating your obstacles
only to find
they are exactly that
which make you defined
In Contrast You'll find
a Secret Doorway
to something Other
that you can't hardly define
get what you want
more desires be bred
never fulfilling your Spirit
beyond that grid
To understand that Resistance makes you stronger...tougher..Excited for the Fight.
However, as always, whatever One does, it can be done better and there is a Best as well.
Do not forget that a Best exists..not in terms of competing with others; in terms of Physics like water Succeeding or failing to realize 100 degrees celsius to boil.
At same time, don't be too analytical about this Science/Physics 'cause you should also Realize & Remember the Truths of Quantum Physics as well - that the Observer affects Reality; that Reality doesn't exist outside of me; that Reality is subject to my Observation of it - whether "externally" and/or "internally"...
Are You Living the Life of an Explorer....
Are You Living the Life of a WOOOOO YA!!!
Fight the Good Fight
Be Clean
Wen everything be fine
and you still ain't fine
probably means
you misdefined
what's being fine
In eradicating your obstacles
only to find
they are exactly that
which make you defined
In Contrast You'll find
a Secret Doorway
to something Other
that you can't hardly define
get what you want
more desires be bred
never fulfilling your Spirit
beyond that grid
To understand that Resistance makes you stronger...tougher..Excited for the Fight.
However, as always, whatever One does, it can be done better and there is a Best as well.
Do not forget that a Best exists..not in terms of competing with others; in terms of Physics like water Succeeding or failing to realize 100 degrees celsius to boil.
At same time, don't be too analytical about this Science/Physics 'cause you should also Realize & Remember the Truths of Quantum Physics as well - that the Observer affects Reality; that Reality doesn't exist outside of me; that Reality is subject to my Observation of it - whether "externally" and/or "internally"...
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Giving Thanks is Appreciating,
Appreciating is not only "appreciating what one has"...
'Tis also Transforming the negative into Positive
thereby having the Satisfaction of Allowing more into one's Life
We did not come here to anxiously parse that which we appreciate from that which we do not
that's not very ambitious given who we Truly are..
If this seems impossible
REMEMBER that One's Reality is Perceived as One's Mind.
Remember that One's Work - WHY we are here, The Work that we are here to do as it were - takes place as One's Mind so the Words of the Masters resonate:
It's not what you do to & with your body, it's what you do to and/or AS your Mind...then we can use the word Faith in it's proper manner...
Appreciating is not only "appreciating what one has"...
'Tis also Transforming the negative into Positive
thereby having the Satisfaction of Allowing more into one's Life
We did not come here to anxiously parse that which we appreciate from that which we do not
that's not very ambitious given who we Truly are..
If this seems impossible
REMEMBER that One's Reality is Perceived as One's Mind.
Remember that One's Work - WHY we are here, The Work that we are here to do as it were - takes place as One's Mind so the Words of the Masters resonate:
It's not what you do to & with your body, it's what you do to and/or AS your Mind...then we can use the word Faith in it's proper manner...
Friday, November 7, 2014
Being Right on Philosophy Doesn't Neccesarily Mean Being Right in Actuality...
We Agree with modern republicans in the Belief that:
"what's Right is what's Right is what's Right."
That's not the issue.
The issue is on what it MEANS to be "Right."
A more Evolved Mind sees not in a static frozen state of affairs.
It sees things from a Higher Scale and thus inCLUDES in the Proportion MORE Variables...
Yes, the Higher Way is Proportional NOT equational.
Equational thinking is also known as karmic thinking - what Jesus described by his famous term:
"you reap what you sow."
But, that's only for minds who function in a karmic way.
That's NOT the Divine Way of Grace that the very same, supposedly, God Worshipping republicans claim to endorse.
If I'm a self proclaimed God worshipping republican that Believes & preaches that God should be in charge and that that's the best way to govern then I should operate according to the Law of God which is BeYOND karma or cause & effect!
That's the area of discrepancy - on WHAT being aligned with God IS...
So in this department - namely, God - we might say that, generally, self proclaimed "republican christians" are right philosophically in their Belief in God, but not necesarily Right in terms of Understanding of what that means practically speaking.
For starters, Intuitive Understanding....
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Aloha Comfort Island, HelLOOO Unknown
Dad: Son, you see that Island we're leaving..
Son: Yes Daddy.
Dad:It's called Comfort Island. You see that wide open Unknown Ocean we're going towards.
Son: Yes Dadda.
Dad: It's where the Truth lies & Comfort Island is where the lie resides. You see Son, comfort & discomfort are BOTH illusions, least when we're going Forwards we're going WITH Nature for the Psychological effect of going forward induces health while the psychological effects of going backwards produces negative emotions that are not Healthy for your body-mind Personality. That's just the way it is...
Son: I Know Da.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Special Halloween Message
Halloween is Commemoration of the Day before the destruction of Atlantis. These Days Leading up to Neewollah or Halloween, I'll post Atlatian/Atlantean themes of self destructive civilizations.
The Atlantic Rim has the Consciousness of Atlatia/Atlantis which is intellectual. Think Ivy League, Oxford, Cambridge, The British & Spanish Empires, Wall Street, "rich" lavish skyscrapers, DC, Etc.
The Pacific Rim has the Consciousness of Lemuria which is Heart. Think Hawaii, California, Alaska, Oregon, Washington State, Japan, Korea, Thailand, San Francisco, Etc.
To not forget the Context Here:
Awakening of the World through Film Et Al
The Atlantic Rim has the Consciousness of Atlatia/Atlantis which is intellectual. Think Ivy League, Oxford, Cambridge, The British & Spanish Empires, Wall Street, "rich" lavish skyscrapers, DC, Etc.
The Pacific Rim has the Consciousness of Lemuria which is Heart. Think Hawaii, California, Alaska, Oregon, Washington State, Japan, Korea, Thailand, San Francisco, Etc.
To not forget the Context Here:
Awakening of the World through Film Et Al
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Scientific Hypothesis/Thesis on "Prayer"
After Years of Study, Research, Contemplation, Etc.
I am ready to make a conclusion
not the end all, be all, law
but think Science...cause then we could say I'm making a claim:
That which is called Prayer is something Invented, like fire, the wheel, aqueducts for plumbing, roads, chairs, bicycles, clothes, etc.
It's not that the Prayer Owns the Entity.
If you agree with me that Prayer was Invented by Conscious Beings
then you could see the Structure that I am Seeing; and that is that Prayer is an Activity/Action INVENTED by Conscious Beings.
That's important to see because then if one chooses to Pray (in all it's myriad forms), for whatever reason/s, at least he/she won't do it with the mindset that he/she is begging Someone nor believing that he/she HAS to beg Someone.
If you see Prayer as an Invention, then you are Free from it at the very onset. It doesn't Own you because if it does you've already lost at the starting gate. Then One can "Pray" Freely w/o the encumbrance of have-tos; shoulds; obligations and/or empty, meaningless, impotent & robotic rituals, et al.
If you are disempowered then the prayer itself will be disempowered.
But, on the other hand, if you think you control everything then you are the limited ego again that doesn't have the Power to Do (by Do here I don't mean the ordinary definition doing but the Spiritual Definition of Doing in the sense of having Eternal Effectiveness as opposed to transitory effectiveness) so THAT can't be the answer.
[on control: you WILL suffer - try you will. Oh! Try you will...but your efforts will fail you..."I must be the mere limited ego controlling again - and it's not working]
So there must be a Third Way or Force that is both TrueSelf Empowered/OnePointed and yet, of course, not the limited ego trying, again, futilely.
Perhaps, the Years of brainwashing and control by religion & society - the prison planet - have made it so that when entities pray, there's a subconscious belief embedded, implied & assumed that you're a bitch! That the very fact that you are praying, meditating, chanting, etc. automatically implies that you are trueSelf disempowered (and weak & impotent) and we don't like that because that means we can't control our destiny and if we can't control our destiny then how do we have Meaning. Are we just subject to fate & chance? Are the Great Ones like Jesus , Buddha, etc. just lucky to have been somehow chosen and the rest of us unlucky ones need to somehow beg (and that begging may or may not work) to be "favored" like the Great Ones of Freedom & Liberation?! No, THAT'S not it.
I am ready to make a conclusion
not the end all, be all, law
but think Science...cause then we could say I'm making a claim:
That which is called Prayer is something Invented, like fire, the wheel, aqueducts for plumbing, roads, chairs, bicycles, clothes, etc.
It's not that the Prayer Owns the Entity.
If you agree with me that Prayer was Invented by Conscious Beings
then you could see the Structure that I am Seeing; and that is that Prayer is an Activity/Action INVENTED by Conscious Beings.
That's important to see because then if one chooses to Pray (in all it's myriad forms), for whatever reason/s, at least he/she won't do it with the mindset that he/she is begging Someone nor believing that he/she HAS to beg Someone.
If you see Prayer as an Invention, then you are Free from it at the very onset. It doesn't Own you because if it does you've already lost at the starting gate. Then One can "Pray" Freely w/o the encumbrance of have-tos; shoulds; obligations and/or empty, meaningless, impotent & robotic rituals, et al.
If you are disempowered then the prayer itself will be disempowered.
But, on the other hand, if you think you control everything then you are the limited ego again that doesn't have the Power to Do (by Do here I don't mean the ordinary definition doing but the Spiritual Definition of Doing in the sense of having Eternal Effectiveness as opposed to transitory effectiveness) so THAT can't be the answer.
[on control: you WILL suffer - try you will. Oh! Try you will...but your efforts will fail you..."I must be the mere limited ego controlling again - and it's not working]
So there must be a Third Way or Force that is both TrueSelf Empowered/OnePointed and yet, of course, not the limited ego trying, again, futilely.
Perhaps, the Years of brainwashing and control by religion & society - the prison planet - have made it so that when entities pray, there's a subconscious belief embedded, implied & assumed that you're a bitch! That the very fact that you are praying, meditating, chanting, etc. automatically implies that you are trueSelf disempowered (and weak & impotent) and we don't like that because that means we can't control our destiny and if we can't control our destiny then how do we have Meaning. Are we just subject to fate & chance? Are the Great Ones like Jesus , Buddha, etc. just lucky to have been somehow chosen and the rest of us unlucky ones need to somehow beg (and that begging may or may not work) to be "favored" like the Great Ones of Freedom & Liberation?! No, THAT'S not it.
But, if Prayer was somehow Invented by Enlightened Conscious Beings then that seems to resolve the dilemna.
'Cause that way we don't have to believe we have to go around controlling everything in order to convince ourselves that we are in control (True Self Empowered, Etc.) on the one hand (which doesn't seem right) and on the other hand if we DO decide to engage Prayer, Meditation, Chanting (Usage of The Power of Words) Etc. we don't have to have the mindset that our behavior means we are giving our Power away to some tyranny of negative mind control.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Michelangelo vs. Leonardo Davinci
Mervyn Brady, Founder of The Academy of European Arts (, on the Difference between Michelangelo & Leonardo Davinci.
Michelangelo, one of the geniuses of the Renaissance, on his deathbed is believed to have said:
All my life I perfected the wrong art.
So he realized that no matter to what heights a person reaches during a lifetime, no matter how much he/she is hailed with accolades, recognition, success, awards, etc. most of it dies with the body; so what True Value did all that work & effort & struggle really have.
But, as Mervyn said, Leonardo Davinci Succeeded where Michelangelo failed for Leonardo Realized Christ Consciousness and Worked in such a way that the Work would NOT merely die with the body.
Is there a Way, whereby what we Do in & with our Lives, IMPRESSES upon the Soul WHILE WE ARE DOING IT and thereby becomes Immortalized?
Yes!...I'd say Absolutmon....
The Key is Proportion - to not Work and/or Live for something here, but Work & Live to Balance the Cost to The Future that is BeYOND here.
What is the Purpose of this.
Michelangelo, one of the geniuses of the Renaissance, on his deathbed is believed to have said:
All my life I perfected the wrong art.
So he realized that no matter to what heights a person reaches during a lifetime, no matter how much he/she is hailed with accolades, recognition, success, awards, etc. most of it dies with the body; so what True Value did all that work & effort & struggle really have.
But, as Mervyn said, Leonardo Davinci Succeeded where Michelangelo failed for Leonardo Realized Christ Consciousness and Worked in such a way that the Work would NOT merely die with the body.
Is there a Way, whereby what we Do in & with our Lives, IMPRESSES upon the Soul WHILE WE ARE DOING IT and thereby becomes Immortalized?
Yes!...I'd say Absolutmon....
The Key is Proportion - to not Work and/or Live for something here, but Work & Live to Balance the Cost to The Future that is BeYOND here.
What is the Purpose of this.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
The Delicacy of the Excuse Doesn't Count
sata deva manusanam buddho bhagavati
Raise Your Frequency ∞
sata deva manusanam buddho bhagavati
Raise Your Frequency ∞
On the record, my Teacher from 2000-2005 via The Academy of European Arts & Culture (
Off the Record, STILL my Teacher...
Look at this Photo without thinking;
Off the Record, STILL my Teacher...
Look at this Photo without thinking;
Be Present.
Mervyn Brady
then tell me You don't See what you cannot see...
Christ Consciousness.
What is True Authority.
That THAT which your God can See Here.
During my Time @The Academy I was Being Fed. And I thought I was Awake. I had much to learn as it were. For although I was absolute expert on Receiving, I was blind to Sending. And because of that blindness I may have caused harm that was resultant from that ignorance of how "It Works." We are Divine Machines and lest we do not Learn &/Or Know how to use It, It's Power can become harmful to ourselves and others (like any tool can be beneficial or harmful if one doesn't Know how to use it, so is our very life here such as such a tool).
2005 came & The Noble Mr. Mervyn Brady left this plane.
& i had to pick up the pieces
figure out what just happened (say the last 5 years)
& what that meant for my further Spirituality.
& here's what I eventually came up with:
despite my naivete, ignorance, foolishness
despite all the errors
I Learned the One Important thing that if you didn't learn anything else but learned this One "Thing"
that that would be more important than learning a trillion things & not Learning That One Thing.
What we call
The State of Enlightenment
The State of Presence.
THAT is my "Ruler"
THAT is my Criteria.
THAT is my "One Medicine for all dis eases."
& for that ONE Lesson despite all the ignorance demonstrated & unnecesary deficiency of Virtue
(that Mervyn can Demonstrate better than almost anybody I know that walks this Earth now,)
Sir Mervyn Brady, I still consider my Teacher.
So Be That
I will not waste that hard earned Lesson
Christ Consciousness.
What is True Authority.
That THAT which your God can See Here.
During my Time @The Academy I was Being Fed. And I thought I was Awake. I had much to learn as it were. For although I was absolute expert on Receiving, I was blind to Sending. And because of that blindness I may have caused harm that was resultant from that ignorance of how "It Works." We are Divine Machines and lest we do not Learn &/Or Know how to use It, It's Power can become harmful to ourselves and others (like any tool can be beneficial or harmful if one doesn't Know how to use it, so is our very life here such as such a tool).
2005 came & The Noble Mr. Mervyn Brady left this plane.
& i had to pick up the pieces
figure out what just happened (say the last 5 years)
& what that meant for my further Spirituality.
& here's what I eventually came up with:
despite my naivete, ignorance, foolishness
despite all the errors
I Learned the One Important thing that if you didn't learn anything else but learned this One "Thing"
that that would be more important than learning a trillion things & not Learning That One Thing.
What we call
The State of Enlightenment
The State of Presence.
THAT is my "Ruler"
THAT is my Criteria.
THAT is my "One Medicine for all dis eases."
& for that ONE Lesson despite all the ignorance demonstrated & unnecesary deficiency of Virtue
(that Mervyn can Demonstrate better than almost anybody I know that walks this Earth now,)
Sir Mervyn Brady, I still consider my Teacher.
So Be That
I will not waste that hard earned Lesson
God has not abandoned us. Each one of you also knows about one is spared. It is not what we bear or what we suffer. It is how we live it that counts. We have been given life, and it is what we make of it that ultimately allows us to become free from it. The secret becomes known to people who first see and understand that they are not the body but what resides inside it. Slowly they make plans, perfect their wisdom, and practice their art. Anytime people mistake the Body for the Soul they will stumble and may have to start again.
~ Mervyn J. Brady
& On This Presence
"The delicacy of the excuse doesn't count."
Mervyn Brady
Friday, October 10, 2014
Only God Can Give God: The Seven Foundational Principles of The Path
I suggest either downloading and printing or you can also Study with the Fullscreen feature of Facebook - the two small diagonal white arrows on the upper right corner of the page once you click open this Book.
Post by Awaken the World.
Post by Awaken the World.
Men think they are logical..
They're NOT!
For their logic is not logical at all..
Their logic is to defend the past, the limited, the status quo..
They're Spiritually lazy thinking Spirituality is a luxury, an accesory, an "extra-credit"
when it's the Radicalness of Normalcy - ya' gotta be Radical JUST TO BE NORMAL!!!
men not knowing and/or Realizing this, uninentionally become defenders of the past,
instead of Knights of Future Possibilities..
What's the Difference you say,
One that understands that a Healthy River Flows
the other works for a stagnant river that is sick & weak & boring.
Logic is NOT devoid of Intuitive Understanding.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Well Kept Secret
Well Kept Secret
An Ironic Paradox
In order to be a Human Being
You have to be a Divine Being
In order to be a primitive being
you have to be a human being..
Human Being is the Result!
Not the "Cause"
If you are a Divine Being
Conscious Being is the Result.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Courage Transcended to Faith
Courage is only the Initial Affirmation of Doingness & Life
it's only the Initiation - the Beginning...
I've heard that Courage must be Transcended to Faith.
Courage is too big, clumsy & rarefied;
it's not Concentrated enough
not Focused enough like a tightly wound Tornado
courage is like an unorganized hurricane with only the potential to become a well developed Category 5.
nature vs. Nature
they say
nature vs nature
nature vs man
man vs man
they DON'T say
nature vs. Nature...
what's that?!!
nature before the Transcendent threshold
and Nature Both before & After the Transcendent Thresholds
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Regardless of intellectual or philosophical accuracy of the following, technically speaking (including potential ignorance on the part of the Speaker), I understand and agree with the Essence of what is being communicated & so I share so some may be warned of a misconception of Spirituality.
"...Kundalini...It is very curious how these occultists have got hold of the word from somewhere but have completely altered its meaning and from a very dangerous and terrible thing have made something to be hoped for and to be awaited as some blessing.
In reality Kunalini is the power of imagination, the power of fantasy, which takes the place of a real function. When a man[or woman] dreams instead of acting, when his dreams take the place of reality...Kundalini is a force put into men in order to keep them in their present state. If men [and/or women] could really see their true position and could understand all the horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one second. They would begin to seek a way out and they would quickly find it, because there is a way out; but men fail to see it simply because they are hypnotized. Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. 'To awaken' for man means to be 'dehypnotized.' In this lies the chief difficulty and in this also lies the guarantee of its possibility, for there is no organic reason for sleep and man can awaken.
Theoretically he can, but practically it is almost impossible because as soon as man awakens for a moment and opens his eyes, all the forces that caused him to fall asleep begin to act upon him with tenfold energy and he immediately falls asleep again, very often dreaming that he is awake or is awakening.
....He tells hmself that he is awake but, in reality, he continues to sleep-and this can happen several times before he finally awakes...."
In Search of the Miraculous by P.D. Ouspensky pg. 220
A Harvest Book
Copyright 1949 by Harcourt Brace & Company
Copyright renewed 1977 by Tatiana Nagro
"...Kundalini...It is very curious how these occultists have got hold of the word from somewhere but have completely altered its meaning and from a very dangerous and terrible thing have made something to be hoped for and to be awaited as some blessing.
In reality Kunalini is the power of imagination, the power of fantasy, which takes the place of a real function. When a man[or woman] dreams instead of acting, when his dreams take the place of reality...Kundalini is a force put into men in order to keep them in their present state. If men [and/or women] could really see their true position and could understand all the horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one second. They would begin to seek a way out and they would quickly find it, because there is a way out; but men fail to see it simply because they are hypnotized. Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. 'To awaken' for man means to be 'dehypnotized.' In this lies the chief difficulty and in this also lies the guarantee of its possibility, for there is no organic reason for sleep and man can awaken.
Theoretically he can, but practically it is almost impossible because as soon as man awakens for a moment and opens his eyes, all the forces that caused him to fall asleep begin to act upon him with tenfold energy and he immediately falls asleep again, very often dreaming that he is awake or is awakening.
....He tells hmself that he is awake but, in reality, he continues to sleep-and this can happen several times before he finally awakes...."
In Search of the Miraculous by P.D. Ouspensky pg. 220
A Harvest Book
Copyright 1949 by Harcourt Brace & Company
Copyright renewed 1977 by Tatiana Nagro
Yes THAT Voice..the one so Subtle that even breathing might interrupt the Connection to It....
I think of it as The Higher Mind
It's certainly Quantum
It can not be followed
It can only be Faithed
Now...that Changes our conception of Faith
Now...Faith has Scientific Basis & is therefore not groundless...
Monday, September 15, 2014
Sunday, September 14, 2014
How could You NOT Love America...
I always have..
Love would kick the shit out of our enemies..
they wouldn't stand a chance;
We'd be smiling ,
while they were crying;
only to see...
that we are ALL United...
I always have..
Love would kick the shit out of our enemies..
they wouldn't stand a chance;
We'd be smiling ,
while they were crying;
only to see...
that we are ALL United...
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Tying the Loose Ends TOGETHER!!! into a Circle
In what may be the missing Conceptual Key to Unifying the World.
I always thought what if the so called far left and the so called far right MET meaning, well you already know what I'm going to say.
The Circle of Life ...
I finally received the "Runner" as it is termed. Could it be such a Simple Key as this?! Was it there this whole time right under our noses, in front of us & we were too distracted to see it and apply it?!
May be a Great Boon to us all regarding coming together as a Peoples
'stead of seeing what's different with each other & divisive,
to see what's Common, Unifying & True Peace inducing...
I always thought what if the so called far left and the so called far right MET meaning, well you already know what I'm going to say.
The Circle of Life ...
I finally received the "Runner" as it is termed. Could it be such a Simple Key as this?! Was it there this whole time right under our noses, in front of us & we were too distracted to see it and apply it?!
May be a Great Boon to us all regarding coming together as a Peoples
'stead of seeing what's different with each other & divisive,
to see what's Common, Unifying & True Peace inducing...
Monday, September 1, 2014
As Spiritual Beings along the Spiritual Path of Ascending
'tis our Job, indeed, our Obligation to Push Up those already Above Us.
that's intimidating
cause they're standing there with a BroadSword saying....
"What?! you're gonna Push ME!...HMmm, I'd like to see you try..."
But we must.
THEN.. EVERYone Grows; EVERYone Benefits;;;
But, You gotta EARN that Accolade
..Through FEARLESS Future Forward Focus in the name of self sacrifice (which have NOTHING at all to do with suicide or ordinary martyrdom by the way, just in case you were getting ideas; gotta be sure to clear that up...) we Ascend Together As Love <3
So Be It!!
'tis our Job, indeed, our Obligation to Push Up those already Above Us.
that's intimidating
cause they're standing there with a BroadSword saying....
"What?! you're gonna Push ME!...HMmm, I'd like to see you try..."
But we must.
THEN.. EVERYone Grows; EVERYone Benefits;;;
But, You gotta EARN that Accolade
..Through FEARLESS Future Forward Focus in the name of self sacrifice (which have NOTHING at all to do with suicide or ordinary martyrdom by the way, just in case you were getting ideas; gotta be sure to clear that up...) we Ascend Together As Love <3
So Be It!!
Perfection is NOT a Virtue.
Again, 'tis of the past;
Again, 'tis a MALE false "virtue"...
not calling to hate men;
but the past is like a reflex of our collective social consciousness;
its retrograde 'n regressive;
it's a deceiver...
self-Observe how fast it creeps in...
the tendency to "sink back" into the past in the form of feeling secure & safe
not talking philosophy or somewhere in some distant far off time.
am speaking of the psycho-physical tendency to "rest" again...
Again, 'tis of the past;
Again, 'tis a MALE false "virtue"...
not calling to hate men;
but the past is like a reflex of our collective social consciousness;
its retrograde 'n regressive;
it's a deceiver...
self-Observe how fast it creeps in...
the tendency to "sink back" into the past in the form of feeling secure & safe
not talking philosophy or somewhere in some distant far off time.
am speaking of the psycho-physical tendency to "rest" again...
Saturday, August 30, 2014
As Spiritual Beings along the Spiritual Path of Ascending
'tis our Job, indeed, our Obligation to Push Up those already Above Us.
that's intimidating
cause they're standing there with a BroadSword...
saying, "What?! you're gonna Push ME!...HMmm, I'd like to see you try..."
But we must.
THEN.. EVERYone Grows; EVERYone Benefits;;;
But, You gotta EARN that Accolade
..Through FEARLESS Future Forward Focus in the name of self sacrifice (which have NOTHING at all to do with suicide or ordinary martyrdom by the way, just in case you were getting ideas; gotta be sure to clear that up...)
'tis our Job, indeed, our Obligation to Push Up those already Above Us.
that's intimidating
cause they're standing there with a BroadSword...
saying, "What?! you're gonna Push ME!...HMmm, I'd like to see you try..."
But we must.
THEN.. EVERYone Grows; EVERYone Benefits;;;
But, You gotta EARN that Accolade
..Through FEARLESS Future Forward Focus in the name of self sacrifice (which have NOTHING at all to do with suicide or ordinary martyrdom by the way, just in case you were getting ideas; gotta be sure to clear that up...)
Thursday, August 28, 2014
it takes a male mind to say "i'm an anti feminist"
& you say well it's 50/50..."Fair"
THAT'S a male mind! That's my point!!
Cosmic Fucking Collisions and you're going to let men organize everything all neat & sexy?!!! Grown little boys...'s 51/49 for Women
Am not saying like, for example, SEVENTY FIVE/25 for Women; that's TOO chaotic & reckless...
Saturday, August 23, 2014
For My Fellow Actors...
For my fellow Actors...
oh but wait! We're ALL Actors...
Jim: you know what we mean.
Julian: ...Oh hi Jim....Ye-ES?...
Julian: Here let me help; Everyone's an Actor. The only difference is what one Actor wants vs. what another Actor wants...for example, one actor wants a way to make a living; 'nother to become rich; 'nother to be famous or loved; while 'nother Desires to Awaken. One Actor may want to be one with Honor - like perhaps a Fireman. 'Nother Actor may want to serve her fellow human. one Actor may have no desire to "get rid" of their ego while another does. One Actor may think "I'm a victim in a harsh world and just to get through life relatively unscathed would be good enough for me." One Actor may want to fulfill their Goal/s through one vehicle like Music while others may want to do so via multiple vehicles (Art, Science, Medicine, Etc.). One Actor may want to be a Parent. An Actor could possible even desire to not desire...'Tis ENDless what one could Desire! But the differences differentiate One Actor from another...
Jim: So what kind of Actor are YOU?!
Julian: One who desires Awakening; Fulfillment of my Soul's Agenda THIS Lifetime; not to wait 'til the next life. Christening, not through some social agreement and ritual, but through the reality of my body. We can call it, at least in part, Alchemy...
Jim: AHhhh..I see where you're coming from now.
oh but wait! We're ALL Actors...
Jim: you know what we mean.
Julian: ...Oh hi Jim....Ye-ES?...
Julian: Here let me help; Everyone's an Actor. The only difference is what one Actor wants vs. what another Actor wants...for example, one actor wants a way to make a living; 'nother to become rich; 'nother to be famous or loved; while 'nother Desires to Awaken. One Actor may want to be one with Honor - like perhaps a Fireman. 'Nother Actor may want to serve her fellow human. one Actor may have no desire to "get rid" of their ego while another does. One Actor may think "I'm a victim in a harsh world and just to get through life relatively unscathed would be good enough for me." One Actor may want to fulfill their Goal/s through one vehicle like Music while others may want to do so via multiple vehicles (Art, Science, Medicine, Etc.). One Actor may want to be a Parent. An Actor could possible even desire to not desire...'Tis ENDless what one could Desire! But the differences differentiate One Actor from another...
Jim: So what kind of Actor are YOU?!
Julian: One who desires Awakening; Fulfillment of my Soul's Agenda THIS Lifetime; not to wait 'til the next life. Christening, not through some social agreement and ritual, but through the reality of my body. We can call it, at least in part, Alchemy...
Jim: AHhhh..I see where you're coming from now.
Friday, August 15, 2014
if i profess Spirituality there are certain Standards
if i DON'T profess Spirituality, there aren't those Standards.
so the one/s who DON'T profess Spirituality are in integrity with themselves since they never professed to be Spiritual.
..And the Ones who DO profess Spirituality are NOT in Integrity if they don't hold those very Standards that the former do not other words, is one in Accordance with one's own self-professed Standards...if they are, they are in integrity; if not, they're not.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
male Female past Future...
Another Insightful and/or Enlightening Application of the idea that Women are closer to God then men:
Just as Women are innately closer to God than men and thus should be Respected accordingly for that,
the best way to deal with issues is via the Future Now rather than the past now & since the Future corresponds to the Female and the past to the male...need I say more.
one allows oneself to "See things as they are" instead of being averse to seeing things which may be frightful (even within oneself); to Face one's fears in order to dissolve them.
So-called demons are really angels in disguise; when we look face to face at our inner demons we can dissolve them.
However, we Do need Inner/Spiritual Technology (Sidenote: it IS possible to misuse inner technology just as it is possible to misuse outer/external technology).
we need to understand that we are Principally Nothing/Void Contemplating ourselves into Something....
the "demons" can serve as Runners to Wake us up to the use and/or Application of the Inner Technology; to Upgrade one's "Operating System" to a Spiritual One rather than a limited/limiting one.
then was the demon not really an Angel "in disguise?" Perhaps only to those who've used the Runner to Awaken them. Others will continue to resist the evil, thereby PERPETUATING IT!!!
The Upgrade benefits one in EVERY part of their Life. (no need to hesitate...)
What if all "past" mistakes, not just the big ones, but the little subtle ones that one can notice throughout one's moment to moment daily living were not because of something i just DID 3 seconds ago, but because of something I'm failing to Do NOW?! Doesn't one feel bad when they hesitate getting on with life? So I put it to you that when we blame ourselves or external factors for past regrets that make us feel negative emotions, that it's probably more accurate to say one feels negative emotion because they are not Doing NOW what would make them feel Positive what's that thing to be Doing Now that would Allow one to feel Positive emotion 'stead of negative?
Something one has never done before. Who's to say, once that New thing is done, that we can't keep doing New things over and over again??? There IS nothing that says we can't Live like that!
See how the Unknown of the Future is more akin to the Female Mind than the past oriented male mind that tends to repeat the past like a gerbil on a wheel without even like questioning why or for what Eternal purpose....
Notice how the ego wants to control everything at the expense of the Unknown Newness of the Future...while the Female Mind is more, and PROPERLY SO I should say, akin to Explore the Unknown Future....less controlling, more fearless.
Fearlessness is a trait of a Spiritually Awakening Being as well & that's where the looking at & Transforming of "demons" & negative emotions come into play. For, what if One of those "New" things one could do in the Now Moment is to Transform negative emotions into Positive Ones via Seeing THROUGH obstacles and/or problems. To redefine so that one's Reality SERVES you instead of keeping you from Living Fully. So that one may Realize Unlimitedness rather than limitedness in any form.
Furthermore, there may be something one has a habit of being averse to; something one hasn't digested for years because of parents, teachers, society, etc. & not being properly Mentored (which is Most of us). Thus, something that one is unconsciously averse to which is EXACTLY what they should be doing (i.e.: digesting something, doing a particular thing in particular ways. For example if one was stifled from using their Voice & Speech much of their young life then they might have an unconscious habit of stifling their voice & speech which prevents them from releasing pressure where it needs to be released like a car exhaust pipe releases exhaust.) for their Greatest Satisfaction that Moment.
So we see how one might go backwards to the past instead of looking "squarely" at the Present because of being taught and negatively coached into NOT being Present; improperly taught to be self conscious, hesitant, fearful, shy, self-doubting, etc. etc.
Let's say you start using an aspect of your being that hasn't been used much - underused - and with proper Mentoring you start making those baby steps to using those vital aspects of your being. Then you get, say, a sore throat. The personality might get worried, "oh no what if that's this or that disease?!"
Sometimes, we have pain not because we did something improperly but because we never used it before! Underusage leading to atrophy can be shocking when suddenly used.
Not to be thwarted by initial such shocks. To be Future Forward Moving.
Finally then, it's important to make sure what we're calling our "Highest Excitement" or Greatest Satisfaction of the Now Moment is Truly so and not a covering up, out of aversion, of Doing something else that we're averse to from improper training/mentoring/guidance.
Footnote: there are "People," Places, Events, Etc. that can Teach this Inner Technology but it's not just anyone...and there are false masters too so...sometimes the True Master is called by some false and the false master might be called by some the genuine article when they're not.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Conscious Beingness
I'm starting to think that Higher Work is done amidst the emotions!
But, I thought you said that emotions are the limited human and that the Higher Realms are Soul, Spirit, Zero Point, Etc. & that these are beYOND the emotions.
How could this be.
Because in Acting, Behaving, Thinking, Speaking, etc. we cannot help but to be entangled with emotions.
emotions are the result not the cause.
these effects that we call emotions are what sway us, tempt us, convince us to go in a particular direction with our investigation, Contemplation, Study, Exploration, Adventure, belief-formation, Etc.
IF a negative emotion is so scary that we are too unwilling to explore a certain idea, thought experiment, endeavor, etc. then we never Grow or really Evolve. It's same old same old as our telomeres wear thin and we grow old & die.
If a negative emotion is so repulsive that we judge something as off limits then we likewise thwart growth and are libel to become superstitious and like those old villagers who think airplanes are demons & television is the devil (you know....the excessive demonization that some/many fall prey to like in that M. Night Shyamalan Film The Village).
Quantum Physics-Wise...Quantum Mechanically speaking, aversion is a form of clinging which is a prevention of Growth as well.
By making a rule that something is off limits, we are creating a vacuum - an "air bubble" if you wish - & Nature abhors a vacuum. Nature Desires to "rush in" to those vacuums to make known the unknown (hopefully in a Wise Way).
What we resist persists. What we look at disappears.
This is where some/many may go astray because they think they must let go of any & all resistance and fall prey to any & all temptations such as lust & spilling of seed.
Categorically NOT what we're saying.
We learn to think & behave in Threes, like a Triad.
When we do that, then we have the Wisdom of the Higher Mind to Guide us to the Right Exploration, the Right Investigation, the Right Study, Etc.
[I must make a brief side note for those who will accuse: "who is anyone to say what is the Right Way?!" I reiterate: "one's Own Higher Mind." So you see there's no need for negative reaction and/or accusations of forcing upon others one's own will; it's one's OWN Higher Mind, no one else; we can put that worry/concern to rest here. So Be That.]
This is where commitment & tenacity come into play because we have to let go of our old ways of our personality that insists on pleasure & the many images we have of what life is about - pleasure, emotions, being a limited human being, etc.
We learn that there are options.
We learn about the New Human - that which we call a Conscious Being...
Who are some examples of Conscious Beings?
Let's start with a short list just to give an idea of what & who we're dealing with:
Elizabeth I, William Blake, Marcus Aurelius, Buddha, Jesus, Shakespeare, Davinci, not Michelangelo, Lao Tsu, Lincoln, Walt Whitman, Etc.
Forgive my ignorance; I'm certain there are Great Conscious Beings of many many different Races, Colors, Sexes, Etc. This is just to give an idea of what & who we're dealing with; of what One's Future holds once we Invite & Allow it.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
We Already ARE the Universe!
we are already Material
We ARE the Universe!!
So to be Free of Material we must Transcend Ourselves
We are the Way to Freedom, Analogically
We are so Analogically we/i that we can't escape through aversion or running away.
We ARE the Way to Liberation
i am
you are
We ARE the Universe!!
So to be Free of Material we must Transcend Ourselves
We are the Way to Freedom, Analogically
We are so Analogically we/i that we can't escape through aversion or running away.
We ARE the Way to Liberation
i am
you are
Women are More Advanced than Men
Women are more Advanced than men
They Think in a Different way that may seem "dumb" or "impotent" but how many times did men do it their way only to realize down the road that the woman was, yet again, right because Women have a longer time frame of vision and a vaster scope of logic - A higher kind of logic that is so big to the male mind that it's Invisible.
'Tis why men seem to OFTEN dismiss & disregard the Woman because men are more immediate in their focus.
Often this immediacy can be foolish - kind of like the partying Grasshopper vs the Prudent Ant Story whereby when the great freeze comes the Ants have their Hovels Prepared - Feasting from their Moment to Moment Preparation their Whole Life - while the Grasshopper is left out in the cold with NO preparations because they were just living for the moment (in the negative sense).
When One Wakes up he/she can Transcend this male female polarity of course which is Ideal.
However, men seem to often confuse the love of power with the Power of Love which is why religions, et al seem to be male inventions that keep the Female logic from Flowering and being Virtuous in our Collective Society..
They Think in a Different way that may seem "dumb" or "impotent" but how many times did men do it their way only to realize down the road that the woman was, yet again, right because Women have a longer time frame of vision and a vaster scope of logic - A higher kind of logic that is so big to the male mind that it's Invisible.
'Tis why men seem to OFTEN dismiss & disregard the Woman because men are more immediate in their focus.
Often this immediacy can be foolish - kind of like the partying Grasshopper vs the Prudent Ant Story whereby when the great freeze comes the Ants have their Hovels Prepared - Feasting from their Moment to Moment Preparation their Whole Life - while the Grasshopper is left out in the cold with NO preparations because they were just living for the moment (in the negative sense).
When One Wakes up he/she can Transcend this male female polarity of course which is Ideal.
However, men seem to often confuse the love of power with the Power of Love which is why religions, et al seem to be male inventions that keep the Female logic from Flowering and being Virtuous in our Collective Society..
True Logic Is Inclusive of Intuition
One of Missing Links of Collective Consciousness of Earth/Terra
That True Logic is devoid of Intuition
Is not Intuition Key to Higher Logic beyond control, tyranny, suffering & limitation.
That True Logic is devoid of Intuition
Is not Intuition Key to Higher Logic beyond control, tyranny, suffering & limitation.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
'Tis Better to Be Wrong & ALIVE than Correct and Dead
Hello World, Guess who!!..
Mr. Juli 'An...S'ong
Middle name: Boehyun!! (Korean name)
Information does matter
Form is an aspect of the Information and Energy like my Finger moving, like my Will, my Spirit, my Expression.
So....ahhh....Expression of my Soul Beyond limitations is really what we want to do to make Real a Deeper Mind..
to Live our Soul's Agenda if you will,
to go Beyond the known which is boring & unclothe the past, the known, the repetition into Unknown Future Now Realities
So Be It.
The images are merely images like Film projecting images on a Screen
The Screen is always sort of Objective
The images are illusory in a way
The Screen is Real as it were...
The Screen is Reality
It is the Materiality upon which the images land Creating Experience
the Projection is ah Creation of Expression and a Sending out, as it were, of One's Beingness
The Screen, the Receiver, is GLAD to Receive the Expression of One's Sending & therefore the Screen receives without judgment or editation - pure Receival of All of the Light...every bit of it (static as well) and so we have an imprint, an Impression made on the screen like a mirror reflecting back exactly what is true and so we do not need to edit the expression-istic existence of one's Existence;
Rather, to allow oneself to be what we are in all it's uniqueness and idiosyncratic nuances and then to see the Reflection as it is without Prejudice or editation; no editing.
-So Be It-
The control only serves to keep the reality from Transcending beyond the known to the Unknown and so we need ...only to Transcend, uh... one's Frequency by acceleration of it - Frequency - so that one does not remain stagnant nor you know death...dead.
There is a great sort of saying by artists of sorts that
"it is better to be wrong & Alive than correct and dead"
Huh! What do you know... interesting isn't it how one can be wrong yet Alive, but correct & dead....and that the Irrational side of our Feminine Side is what understands this kind of Higher Logic.
So Be It.
The male side while being perfectly fine & acceptable has a historical tendency to be, you kneow, too controlled and formeD rather than Formless, as it were, and seo we must be Willing to let geo of the form and be formless and thereby Channel our own Higher Knowledge of our Deeper Mind to Experience the New Unknown Future.
So Be It...
Well..ya' know what I'm sayin'.
Mr. Juli 'An...S'ong
Middle name: Boehyun!! (Korean name)
Information does matter
Form is an aspect of the Information and Energy like my Finger moving, like my Will, my Spirit, my Expression.
So....ahhh....Expression of my Soul Beyond limitations is really what we want to do to make Real a Deeper Mind..
to Live our Soul's Agenda if you will,
to go Beyond the known which is boring & unclothe the past, the known, the repetition into Unknown Future Now Realities
So Be It.
The images are merely images like Film projecting images on a Screen
The Screen is always sort of Objective
The images are illusory in a way
The Screen is Real as it were...
The Screen is Reality
It is the Materiality upon which the images land Creating Experience
the Projection is ah Creation of Expression and a Sending out, as it were, of One's Beingness
The Screen, the Receiver, is GLAD to Receive the Expression of One's Sending & therefore the Screen receives without judgment or editation - pure Receival of All of the Light...every bit of it (static as well) and so we have an imprint, an Impression made on the screen like a mirror reflecting back exactly what is true and so we do not need to edit the expression-istic existence of one's Existence;
Rather, to allow oneself to be what we are in all it's uniqueness and idiosyncratic nuances and then to see the Reflection as it is without Prejudice or editation; no editing.
-So Be It-
The control only serves to keep the reality from Transcending beyond the known to the Unknown and so we need ...only to Transcend, uh... one's Frequency by acceleration of it - Frequency - so that one does not remain stagnant nor you know death...dead.
There is a great sort of saying by artists of sorts that
"it is better to be wrong & Alive than correct and dead"
Huh! What do you know... interesting isn't it how one can be wrong yet Alive, but correct & dead....and that the Irrational side of our Feminine Side is what understands this kind of Higher Logic.
So Be It.
The male side while being perfectly fine & acceptable has a historical tendency to be, you kneow, too controlled and formeD rather than Formless, as it were, and seo we must be Willing to let geo of the form and be formless and thereby Channel our own Higher Knowledge of our Deeper Mind to Experience the New Unknown Future.
So Be It...
Well..ya' know what I'm sayin'.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
True Unified Field/Unified Consciousness
I find nothing much more compelling than the Unification of:
The Void/Energy & Consciousness of the Vacuum
WITH ...
the Focus, the One
And the Zero IS what...A Point. A Zero Point.
So we can say perhaps that the Unification of the Void with the One is the Zero.
But the One IS the Zero Point SEEing the Void,,,in a Way...
I can find no more Compelling Endeavor/Pursuit than to Unify these two "Arenas" of Consciousness.
'Twould be pretty ULTIMATE...
You can't NOT be Focused; so that must be a Given..A Constant.
Yet an Entity should not need to live off the forms of the past (not to be averse to them either); he/she should be able to Guide his/her own Life...thus, the need for Inventiveness.
But, people, places & things cause suffering subtly and/or grossly
so we should have Elegant Inventiveness...that is Eternal & Infinite
'Cause you know in your Heart of hearts that if what you do is mortal, that it loses its meaning and you no longer feel in your Heart of hearts Excited 'bout what is being done - Ultimately one's life...
So we need Meaning...
The Void/Energy & Consciousness of the Vacuum
WITH ...
the Focus, the One
And the Zero IS what...A Point. A Zero Point.
So we can say perhaps that the Unification of the Void with the One is the Zero.
But the One IS the Zero Point SEEing the Void,,,in a Way...
I can find no more Compelling Endeavor/Pursuit than to Unify these two "Arenas" of Consciousness.
'Twould be pretty ULTIMATE...
You can't NOT be Focused; so that must be a Given..A Constant.
Yet an Entity should not need to live off the forms of the past (not to be averse to them either); he/she should be able to Guide his/her own Life...thus, the need for Inventiveness.
But, people, places & things cause suffering subtly and/or grossly
so we should have Elegant Inventiveness...that is Eternal & Infinite
'Cause you know in your Heart of hearts that if what you do is mortal, that it loses its meaning and you no longer feel in your Heart of hearts Excited 'bout what is being done - Ultimately one's life...
So we need Meaning...
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Spirit of Brocéliande Lives
Yes Lives here on the Northeast Corridor
60 Parsecs East of Etinorpha
It's ALIVE...
"This CAN'T Be Life, Yes it Can"...The Existential Bottom Line
"This CAN'T Be Life, Yes it Can"...The Existential Bottom Line
My personality once said simply "this CAN'T be life!".
Now I say "It Can..."
Not afraid to Face "that"
Don't you see....
Am not talking 'bout giving up on the Extraordinary, 'bout giving up on the "Dream"
Am saying that the personality is the one that said about the "Dream"/Extraordinary Way: "this CAN'T be life"!
Now I'm on to I'm onto him :)
I will not confuse struggle with the rebellious thought that "this can't be life" again...
the rebellion is over...
Challenges Yes
Good Fight yes
Systemic Confusion nah.
Its the Circle of Zero Point
Multiversal Reality
The Great Void
Yeah That
That which Works even while the personality says "this CAN'T be life."
My personality once said simply "this CAN'T be life!".
Now I say "It Can..."
Not afraid to Face "that"
Don't you see....
Am not talking 'bout giving up on the Extraordinary, 'bout giving up on the "Dream"
Am saying that the personality is the one that said about the "Dream"/Extraordinary Way: "this CAN'T be life"!
Now I'm on to I'm onto him :)
I will not confuse struggle with the rebellious thought that "this can't be life" again...
the rebellion is over...
Challenges Yes
Good Fight yes
Systemic Confusion nah.
Its the Circle of Zero Point
Multiversal Reality
The Great Void
Yeah That
That which Works even while the personality says "this CAN'T be life."
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
If we can NOT see Uranus with our Organic Eyes
what does that say about the Nature of Uranus?!
(we CAN see Saturn with our Organic Eyes)
What in our body corresponds to that which is INvisible??
Could it be the Life Force Itself - The Enigmatic Channels of ElectromagnEtheric Energy & Consciousness of our Bodies that western medicine denies 'cause of the dearth of "proof" of It's existence.
So then like the Telescope, perhaps there be an instrument that can See in our bodies what is Invisible to the Organic eyes.
Seems our bodies are Keyed in to the Solar Body
as if we were mere machines.
as if Uranus Neptune & Pluto - the Invisible Planets - had Properties that are of a Higher Frequency such that their Nature would be somewhat Miraculous compared to what we would experience within that limit - Mercury, Venus, The Moon, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.
For example, those Outer Planets tend to be more on the Gaseous Side (kind of like how our Souls probably must be).
as if we WERE the Solar Body ITSELF!!!
Outer Planets can be closer to Contact with C&E Beyond the Solar System!
Monday, June 9, 2014
If TESLA'S suppressed Free Energy Technology takes Electricity from the Earth's Ionosphere and can create wireless power to us from about 100 years prior to today, is this so hard to Believe.
There ARE scam teachers - and perhaps 91% are a waste of time, misleaders and/or dangerous - but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Why isn't Tesla Free Energy and the East's Inner Technology widely known?
'Cause of the excessive male consciousness of control - tyranny...
The Power is IN YOU!
Much of social medicine is accessorial. The True Medicine is Enlightenment or as One Village calls it
One Medicine for 10,000 diseases instead of 10,000 medicines for one disease.
or Jesus: Seek Ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else will be Given unto thee.
Note: Acupuncture too accesses the Body's Electrical Energy.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Being With Each Other
Mr. Neale Donald Walsch on figuring out his Purpose or Intent while waiting in the wings, as it is termed, of a Stage:
"...and that's what I think about when I stand off in the wings..what am I doing, wh'the hell am I doing?!...I'm not gonna bring them any new information! I don't have the idea in my head that they don't know what the hell am I doing here?! Ahhh, I know what I'm doing. Seeking think I was kidding? I'm not kidding......this is, a lonely journey...until it's not...and what makes it not, is when we sit down together and be with each other and act as if we Know what we Know..."
6:13 Mark
"...and that's what I think about when I stand off in the wings..what am I doing, wh'the hell am I doing?!...I'm not gonna bring them any new information! I don't have the idea in my head that they don't know what the hell am I doing here?! Ahhh, I know what I'm doing. Seeking think I was kidding? I'm not kidding......this is, a lonely journey...until it's not...and what makes it not, is when we sit down together and be with each other and act as if we Know what we Know..."
6:13 Mark
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Morsel of Wisdom/Contemplation/Thought of the Hour
The Spirit, the Entity & God Initiate the Righteous Spiritual Path - "The Straight & Narrow."
The SOUL is the One, The Entity that gets Evolved, that Grows from the Contrast/Friction between the Goal - The Righteous Path - and the Obstacle.
How much can the Soul Grow?
well, I'd think the Moment It gets what it Set out to from the Onset for this Lifetime is when the Body Ascends and no longer needs to Incarnate in this way as humans do on Earth at this Time.
The SOUL is the One, The Entity that gets Evolved, that Grows from the Contrast/Friction between the Goal - The Righteous Path - and the Obstacle.
How much can the Soul Grow?
well, I'd think the Moment It gets what it Set out to from the Onset for this Lifetime is when the Body Ascends and no longer needs to Incarnate in this way as humans do on Earth at this Time.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Kundalini, The Seduction of Paradise
"...And above all, Kundalini is not anything desirable or useful for man's development. It is very curious how these occultist have got hold of the word from somewhere but have completely altered its meaning and from a very dangerous and terrible thing have made something to be hoped for and to be awaited as some blessing.
In reality Kundalini is the power of imagination, the power of fantasy, WHICH TAKES THE PLACE OF A REAL FUNCTION. When a man dreams instead of acting, when his dreams take the place of reality....
Kundalini is a force put into men in order to keep them in their present state. If men could really see their true position and could understand all the horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one second. They would begin to seek a way out and they would quickly find it, BECAUSE THERE IS A WAY OUT; but men fail to see it simply because they are hypnotized. Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. 'To awaken' for man means to be 'dehypnotized.' In this lies the chief difficulty and in this also lies the guarantee of its possibility, for there is no organic reason for sleep and man CAN awaken.
Theoretically he can, but practically it is almost impossible because as soon as a man awakends for a moment and opens his eyes, all the forces that caused him to fall asleep begin to act upon him with tenfold energy and he immediately falls asleep again, very often DREAMING that he is awake or is awakening.
....He tells himself that he is awake but, in reality, he continues to sleep-and this can happen several times before he finally awakes..."
P.D. Ouspensky's "In Search of the Miraculous"
Chapter 11, pg. 220
"men" can be "women" too
in lieu of italics, which facebook no have, I use CAPS
In reality Kundalini is the power of imagination, the power of fantasy, WHICH TAKES THE PLACE OF A REAL FUNCTION. When a man dreams instead of acting, when his dreams take the place of reality....
Kundalini is a force put into men in order to keep them in their present state. If men could really see their true position and could understand all the horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one second. They would begin to seek a way out and they would quickly find it, BECAUSE THERE IS A WAY OUT; but men fail to see it simply because they are hypnotized. Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. 'To awaken' for man means to be 'dehypnotized.' In this lies the chief difficulty and in this also lies the guarantee of its possibility, for there is no organic reason for sleep and man CAN awaken.
Theoretically he can, but practically it is almost impossible because as soon as a man awakends for a moment and opens his eyes, all the forces that caused him to fall asleep begin to act upon him with tenfold energy and he immediately falls asleep again, very often DREAMING that he is awake or is awakening.
....He tells himself that he is awake but, in reality, he continues to sleep-and this can happen several times before he finally awakes..."
P.D. Ouspensky's "In Search of the Miraculous"
Chapter 11, pg. 220
"men" can be "women" too
in lieu of italics, which facebook no have, I use CAPS
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Kudos to RSE (Ramtha's School of Enlightenment) for Bringing to my Attention Hidden Dimensions.
It's EXcellent Message regarding That...SPECIFICITY (ie: it's one thing for God to Give Awakening & another to quote-unquote "Stay There.")
Hidden Dimensions Assist to provide a language, a Way, a Vehicle to Take one's God Given Enlightenment and Progress WITH the Realization rather than addictively needing to See the proof again in order to Believe it.
It's EXcellent Message regarding That...SPECIFICITY (ie: it's one thing for God to Give Awakening & another to quote-unquote "Stay There.")
Hidden Dimensions Assist to provide a language, a Way, a Vehicle to Take one's God Given Enlightenment and Progress WITH the Realization rather than addictively needing to See the proof again in order to Believe it.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Is Judging yourself and/or others for Judging yet another Judgment...
Is Judging yourself and/or others for Judging yet another Judgment...
There Are THREE Choices, NOT TWO!!!
There are THREE Choices, NOT TWO!!!
good, evil and PRESENT!!!
(actually 4 choices: good, evil, gray & Present; gray is between good and bad)
Presence is a WHOLE other Language
a WHOLE other Being.
but people be addicted to humanity and emotions so....
good, evil and PRESENT!!!
(actually 4 choices: good, evil, gray & Present; gray is between good and bad)
Presence is a WHOLE other Language
a WHOLE other Being.
but people be addicted to humanity and emotions so....
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Beautiful Thing to Witness
when a Person
when you can See a Person
you can tell
that they could have
gone another way
and yet
you can See
him...or her.
making an effort
to speak Positively of another
'tis a Beautiful Thing...
when a Person
when you can See a Person
you can tell
that they could have
gone another way
and yet
you can See
him...or her.
making an effort
to speak Positively of another
'tis a Beautiful Thing...
Saturday, May 17, 2014
The Expression: "Having God in One's Life"
a common idea of the word "balance" is like the see-saw model -
left side = right side
The WHOLE istic "Sense" of the word Balance is THREE Sided like a Triad.
many a spiritual type are spiritual in the former way and thus do NOT "have God/Spirit in their life" if you will....
Transcendence BEGINS @that little UNNOTICABLE POINT IN THE CENTER, when We beCOME the Triad or RealIZE the Triad. the Start of Awakening
Why do not the former "have God/Spirit in their life"?
How could that be?
Because, for them, God and/or Spirit is TranSCENDENT like water in pot is NOT Boiling UNTIL THE MOMENT IT IS!
Water in the pot doesn't say "yeah I Know about Steam and therefore I have steam in my life."
It says "I have Steam in my life 'WHEN I beCOME Steam' @100 Degrees Celsius (Boling POINT) - not a moment earlier, not a moment later."
For the Water-in-a-pot Analogy Water is NOT, definitely NOT, a philosopher...
left side = right side
The WHOLE istic "Sense" of the word Balance is THREE Sided like a Triad.
many a spiritual type are spiritual in the former way and thus do NOT "have God/Spirit in their life" if you will....
Transcendence BEGINS @that little UNNOTICABLE POINT IN THE CENTER, when We beCOME the Triad or RealIZE the Triad. the Start of Awakening
Why do not the former "have God/Spirit in their life"?
How could that be?
Because, for them, God and/or Spirit is TranSCENDENT like water in pot is NOT Boiling UNTIL THE MOMENT IT IS!
Water in the pot doesn't say "yeah I Know about Steam and therefore I have steam in my life."
It says "I have Steam in my life 'WHEN I beCOME Steam' @100 Degrees Celsius (Boling POINT) - not a moment earlier, not a moment later."
For the Water-in-a-pot Analogy Water is NOT, definitely NOT, a philosopher...
Friday, May 16, 2014
Think many a persons confuse "old time religion" with Form.
[God is of the TOP of the Triad.
The Form of religion is the bottom male part (which w/the female counterpart constitute the YinYang)]
Why do many a persons confuse "old time religion" with Form?
Because when the God Man or God Woman that Started it leaves, no God there to correct egos.
Then with Time gradually goes from Being a "R"eligion to becoming a "r"eligion by egos, of the egos n for the egos so help me God..
Artists tend towards the female side.
CONSCIOUS Artists Real-ize the Top Point of Triad and tend towards female side.
God comes First but historically even that statement could easily be hijacked by male tendency to want to organize to control.
So we can now See Clearer to DISCERN AND DISTILL the difference between God - that IS REAL - with the particularly MALE ego that tends to focus on the form, again, in order to control (btw, control CAN become an AID towards the True Spiritual Way if and when the Entity turns his/her eye towards the Top of the Triad.).
For this, Proper Schooling would be advisable even though Nature is the Real Teacher does NOT mean that a True Spiritual School is outside of Nature.
Didn't Jesus Himself go to Spiritual School? Where do you think the Great Renaissance Artists came from?! Thought they were just geniuses?! I think not.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Power of Now
No matter what information
no matter how true it seems or indeed IS
is not as important as your Soul.
That MEANS that no information is so important that it supercedes the Moment.
Being Present at the Highest Possible Frequency is Primary
no matter how true it seems or indeed IS
is not as important as your Soul.
That MEANS that no information is so important that it supercedes the Moment.
Being Present at the Highest Possible Frequency is Primary
Saturday, May 3, 2014
male = control. tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk
man creates logic
creates the "test"
results come in
& he says "SEE! I told you so."
Sound Familiar?
then women and children sink back into their chairs, head down, chest caved in, "tail" between their legs.
the man is right again and wins again...
"how'd that happen...again?!"
that is called
a chief feature of male consciousness
it's a kind of logic that EXcludes the Higher Aspects of Reality and thus keeps us on a limited level.
it seems right at that immediate moment but women and Conscious Beings Know better.
control IS important
but not over another.
only over oneself
Conscious Beingness is the True Answer to this
For the Conscious Being doesn't strive to merely win over the other
It Strives to BE the Solution
A Higher State of Consciousness
But, then One must say goodbye to the old state of consciousness known as the human state of consciousness
Feels like dying to the old
one must break the emotional ties and/or addiction
creates the "test"
results come in
& he says "SEE! I told you so."
Sound Familiar?
then women and children sink back into their chairs, head down, chest caved in, "tail" between their legs.
the man is right again and wins again...
"how'd that happen...again?!"
that is called
a chief feature of male consciousness
it's a kind of logic that EXcludes the Higher Aspects of Reality and thus keeps us on a limited level.
it seems right at that immediate moment but women and Conscious Beings Know better.
control IS important
but not over another.
only over oneself
Conscious Beingness is the True Answer to this
For the Conscious Being doesn't strive to merely win over the other
It Strives to BE the Solution
A Higher State of Consciousness
But, then One must say goodbye to the old state of consciousness known as the human state of consciousness
Feels like dying to the old
one must break the emotional ties and/or addiction
Friday, April 11, 2014
Hello World :)
More on The Soul Being ACTUAL and not merely metaphorical..Mervyn used to say that it looks like mist. I HAVE seen a White Mist "Emanate" from me and I've seen something like that Emanate from behind Mervyn and "Shoot" @ me; looked like Angels, not so much "Misty" but of a Very similar-looking "substance." My Studies tell me that The Soul & Spirit have an Inter-relationship like Electrons of Molecules.
In fact, Gurdjieff & Ouspensky's Work CALLS the Soul "Molecular" and the Spirit "Electronic" so Have an Awesome Weekend of Destiny...
In fact, Gurdjieff & Ouspensky's Work CALLS the Soul "Molecular" and the Spirit "Electronic" so Have an Awesome Weekend of Destiny...
Like Sifu say, FAITH is Huge. The Faith that is based on Knowingness, not the worldly blind kind
Thursday, April 10, 2014
For My Fellow Actors, Artists & Truly Spiritual Friends
For My Fellow Actors, Writers, Artists & Truly Spiritual Friends,
The Book of Life, the Soul, is for our intents & purposes, Immortal. EVERY little or Big thing we Do is Recorded onto it.
It shan't be burned or destroyed.
So it is the Original Book that we ALL get to Write On with & through our Life.
The Book of Life, the Soul, is for our intents & purposes, Immortal. EVERY little or Big thing we Do is Recorded onto it.
It shan't be burned or destroyed.
So it is the Original Book that we ALL get to Write On with & through our Life.
"Sit Down. You Are Stupid."
LOVE the Story about my Mentor's Mentor that was Teaching some Actors going on and on for AN HOUR!!!
Have to Understand, this is a Wise Man and he would talk about Life, about Vienna; as my Mentor say, a person walking off the street would never think an Acting Class was going on.
Then when the two Actors sit down
the one of them stands up and protests:
but you didn't say anything to me!!! (you didn't critique MY work!!)
The Teacher looks at him and admonishes:
Sit Down. YOU are STUPID.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Thought of the Hour: Basic 3 Ways to Be-Live
One Pointedness
"innocent delusion"
"intentional fraudulence"
One Pointedness is "Centered" & Aims "Straight Up"
the other two miss the mark to the top where the Point Is.
the other two are either male or female
control or release
One Pointedness is the Beginning of the Dynamic Way which is Both yet Neither.
"innocent delusion"
"intentional fraudulence"
One Pointedness is "Centered" & Aims "Straight Up"
the other two miss the mark to the top where the Point Is.
the other two are either male or female
control or release
One Pointedness is the Beginning of the Dynamic Way which is Both yet Neither.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Children..Young People are untainted by the complications of society - we call that Essence
Growing up in that apartment building in Queens, I Remember Loving America
and what I meant by that was the Land
The Heart of America
The Soul of America
"where the Buffalo Roam"
Young people are simple, they are of the Heart. Not intellectual.
So in the Spirit of the Child Within all of us I SAY~~~
God Bless the Real America
God Bless the Real You & I
God Bless the "Child" in our midst
God Bless Us All
I acknowledge you Natural Born Leaders out there
I Know you..
We Shall Rise to the occasion
We Shall Become the Greatest Version of who we ever Dream ourselves to Be
Despite our error..our shortcomings
It matters not
we come from Greatness
We shall Live Up to our means
We Shall not shy away from adversity
We are Strengthened by it.
We are American
We are of Noble Character
Spiritual Warriors of Virtue
no one needs to tell us what's Right
We Listen to our Souls
We Listen to our Hearts
God Bless Us All
Growing up in that apartment building in Queens, I Remember Loving America
and what I meant by that was the Land
The Heart of America
The Soul of America
"where the Buffalo Roam"
Young people are simple, they are of the Heart. Not intellectual.
So in the Spirit of the Child Within all of us I SAY~~~
God Bless the Real America
God Bless the Real You & I
God Bless the "Child" in our midst
God Bless Us All
I acknowledge you Natural Born Leaders out there
I Know you..
We Shall Rise to the occasion
We Shall Become the Greatest Version of who we ever Dream ourselves to Be
Despite our error..our shortcomings
It matters not
we come from Greatness
We shall Live Up to our means
We Shall not shy away from adversity
We are Strengthened by it.
We are American
We are of Noble Character
Spiritual Warriors of Virtue
no one needs to tell us what's Right
We Listen to our Souls
We Listen to our Hearts
God Bless Us All
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Thought of the Hour: Basic 3 Ways to Be-Live
- One Pointedness
- "innocent delusion"
- "intentional fraudulence"
the other two miss the mark to the top where the Point Is.
the other two are either male or female
control or release
One Pointedness is the Beginning of the Dynamic Way which is Both yet Neither.
Friday, March 28, 2014
"Man never on any account wants to pay for anything; and above all he does not want to pay for what is most important for him. You now know that everything must be paid for and that it must be paid for in proportion to what is received. But usually a man thinks to the contrary. For trifles, for things that are perfectly useless to him, he will pay anything. But for something important, never. This must come to him of itself."
G.I. Gurdjieff
G.I. Gurdjieff
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Highest Excitement
"Be willing be Bold enough to act on your Highest excitement to the best of your ability with absolutely no assumptions, we remind you, that, that is the entire formula that is necessary for you to allow your life to enfold in the most natural way, and in perfect timing, and that is all they need to know. If they were willing to act, that tool will serve them for the rest of their life."
Saturday, March 22, 2014
I Have A Dream....
I have a Dream
that my Holy Holy Spirit gets to Be Present WHILE MY BODY YET LIVES
that my GOD gets to Incarnate and use my body as a vehicle to DO what only IT can.
and for that...Sacred Purpose
I Shall Invite & Allow EGO DEATH...
'tis better to lose all my limbs and even organs and to Be God Realized
than to have it all for a little while and die not having Realized God
I KNOW what I am - the REAL ME - that is Transcendent.
I was Graced by It while on the campus of Pennsylvannia State University, May of 1993.
'Twas Reaffirmed while @ Lacrosse Practice @Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut 1997.
I Aim to REAL ize this Grace - to make it Real (not just Transcendent).
So be That.
I Honor All who have, are and will contribute to that Mission & Aim
that my Holy Holy Spirit gets to Be Present WHILE MY BODY YET LIVES
that my GOD gets to Incarnate and use my body as a vehicle to DO what only IT can.
and for that...Sacred Purpose
I Shall Invite & Allow EGO DEATH...
'tis better to lose all my limbs and even organs and to Be God Realized
than to have it all for a little while and die not having Realized God
I KNOW what I am - the REAL ME - that is Transcendent.
I was Graced by It while on the campus of Pennsylvannia State University, May of 1993.
'Twas Reaffirmed while @ Lacrosse Practice @Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut 1997.
I Aim to REAL ize this Grace - to make it Real (not just Transcendent).
So be That.
I Honor All who have, are and will contribute to that Mission & Aim
Thursday, March 13, 2014
FREE ELECTRICITY: As Within, So Without
The FREE ELECTRICITY that Tesla Harness from Our Earth's Ionosphere is, I say, the, essentially, same FREE ELECTRICITY that any one of US can access with the Power of our Mind, Focus & Study.
On the Social (external technology) Scale Tesla's Technology was prevented from distribution.
On the Personal (Internal Technology) Scale Knowledge was thwarted by the european church & the chinese communist party (apparent violent thwarting of the Falun Gong Spiritual Healing Method Movement).
On the Social (external technology) Scale Tesla's Technology was prevented from distribution.
On the Personal (Internal Technology) Scale Knowledge was thwarted by the european church & the chinese communist party (apparent violent thwarting of the Falun Gong Spiritual Healing Method Movement).
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Thought Word Deed Character Destiny
"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."
Lao Tzu
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Can't Change Your fate Unless You See Your Destiny
can't change your fate unless you see your destiny.
Living out of aversion
is unstable and muddy
Get Knowledge
Living out of aversion
is unstable and muddy
Get Knowledge
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Time Travel
Are you sure you're not Time Travelling All the Time without knowing it.
Will he nill he...
Is not Time arbittrary or Rel-a-tive...
Is not Time Relative to the Observer!
and thus Ever-Flexible :)
Will he nill he...
Is not Time arbittrary or Rel-a-tive...
Is not Time Relative to the Observer!
and thus Ever-Flexible :)
Saturday, February 8, 2014
"all right ladies and boys"...
like "guys ands girls"
imagine: "all right ladies and boys"...
people would complain and say it's inappropriate
so why is guys and girls okay.
because male consciousness is fear based
and therefore survival is put at the forefront of importance
then society rarely gets to Focus on That which is beyond that level of mere survival
and those aspects of existence become forgotten
& left to stagnate in the "attic"/"basement" deemed myth or legend..
like "guys ands girls"
imagine: "all right ladies and boys"...
people would complain and say it's inappropriate
so why is guys and girls okay.
because male consciousness is fear based
and therefore survival is put at the forefront of importance
then society rarely gets to Focus on That which is beyond that level of mere survival
and those aspects of existence become forgotten
& left to stagnate in the "attic"/"basement" deemed myth or legend..
Thursday, January 23, 2014
I Love Parents
I Love Parents who Know the Difference between
being abusive and Being Strong
Being Allowing and being absent
a Guide and a tyrant
being Loving and being weak
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Ultimate Discipline
Time Itself is like an Ultimate Discipline
Day to Night Night to Day Day to Night Night to Day
night day night day nightdaynightdaynightdaynightdn O.
years years years Years years years O.
Day to Night Night to Day Day to Night Night to Day
night day night day nightdaynightdaynightdaynightdn O.
years years years Years years years O.
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