Don't look at the unfairness of society and say people do not get what they deserve..."its not fair!" and thereby be disempowered...
Look at that which is far Greater than society - CREATION ITSELF!!! - and declare that:
"I and all others get EXACTLY what we deserve in direct PROPORTION, NOT mere selfish equality, but PROPORTION to what we do and give...
The Primary Doing by the way is Realization...that's the "tricky" come one fine morning God come I had a dark night of the Soul that I believe led to that one fine morning...
Tbc but for now I think its Attitude. I didn't blame or prosecute my villains...I had fear but I didn't hate them...that gave me an uncanny ability to focus because of the voidness of reaction! It simply wasn't in me to react and because of that quality I was able to focus so intently that I was able to make it through the wormhole like Ellie Arroway did...also I was able to Focus in many many directions not just one! When I contemplated I saw the object of the contemplation from any and all directions or perspectives because I was told that God knew my every thought so I knew there was no point in lying to God...
Once I had my Awakening via Grace the next great challenge was to get rid of all the dogma of my "religion" to sift True from unEnlightened or misinformed...because The Grace revealed the ilusory nature of "reality" in favor of The True Nature of Reality...I just didn't know how to apply and LIVE that new Information...
'Till recently...
Yes The Great Rom had a lot to do with that.
Think about it...if The Grace of an "otherworldly" God hit you one fine morn who could possibly understand. Who could possibly advise! In The Ram I saw a Spirit that had the Knowledge, The Confidence, The Spirit (I saw it in His Eyes) that I could trust that He had the Authority and Power such that my Uncommon experience was NOT "out of his league" or domain...that He could actually understand ANALOGICALLY what had happened to me and thereby be able to help. 🔮
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