technology couldn’t hack it so let’s use poetry
I see lights
I feel cold.
Elves I see.
do you see.
tis dark..
it is cold..
and lights beckon the life,
the Spirit
But tis dark,
tis cold,
Elves everywhere,
can you see
So tis full
cause of the Life
bcause of the Night.
and it is cold
dyu see,
what cant be seen.
that tis cold
in this night
and yet the light
beckons the life
like an Elf
or some Sprite...

Friday, December 29, 2017
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Social Consciousness Vs. Grace...
Prior to my One Fine Morning of Enlightenment I almost couldn’t draw breath due to thinking so hard ...thank god I had no faux support group that could console me in a social conscious way to take meds, do some unnecessary procedure that might hinder my Freedom...
Highly skeptical of social conscious “fixes”/explanations, etc. because social consciousness doesn’t take into account Enlightenment..The Hand of only wants you to be like you used to be..”basically alright”...without taking into account the urgency/exigency of Freedom THIS Lifetime!!!
Highly skeptical of social conscious “fixes”/explanations, etc. because social consciousness doesn’t take into account Enlightenment..The Hand of only wants you to be like you used to be..”basically alright”...without taking into account the urgency/exigency of Freedom THIS Lifetime!!!
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Love Your Enemies
Love your enemies because he..she, they...are YOU...🔮 🌀
Acknowledging this Truth, I reckon, will make one’s life deeper..richer...
Lao Tsu is known to have said:
What is a good man but a bad man’s teacher
What is a bad man but a good man’s charge.
He or she that forgets this will get lost.
Apropo for Christmas 🎄(particularly since Lao Tsu was a Christ! 😮 😲 🔮)
Acknowledging this Truth, I reckon, will make one’s life deeper..richer...
Lao Tsu is known to have said:
What is a good man but a bad man’s teacher
What is a bad man but a good man’s charge.
He or she that forgets this will get lost.
Apropo for Christmas 🎄(particularly since Lao Tsu was a Christ! 😮 😲 🔮)
Something To Consider...
If The Ramtha “has” this book out...
Titled, Last Waltz of the Tyrants...
And He is a supreme Teacher of Enlightenment...
I wonder how much of this tyranny He speaks of.....
IS FROM i!!! 😮
Titled, Last Waltz of the Tyrants...
And He is a supreme Teacher of Enlightenment...
I wonder how much of this tyranny He speaks of.....
IS FROM i!!! 😮
Monday, December 4, 2017
The Rom says that you can do anything but that the key is Focus...
I'd add to that a really Great Attitude.
I'd add to that a really Great Attitude.
Then the sky’s the limit.
Saturday, December 2, 2017
The Time Humanity Realizes we are not the only agents of our Lives.
That we're part of something Greater...
This "Greater" of which I speak, is also Us, but in a Greater Way than it used to be.
What you're experiencing is are "growing pains."
We're maturing as a Nation, as a Species as Planet, Solar System, Etc...
That we're part of something Greater...
This "Greater" of which I speak, is also Us, but in a Greater Way than it used to be.
What you're experiencing is are "growing pains."
We're maturing as a Nation, as a Species as Planet, Solar System, Etc...
Healing vs. Say Regeneration...
Said it before
Am reaffirmed in my logic that intending to heal a physical condition is not a very lofty goal since it comes from the knowledge base of the past!
It aims to reestablish what already was as if that were the ideal state of affairs?!
Therefore it implies confusion on the entity that they don't even have a Plan “go back to what was ’safe‘ or neutral...”
Am reaffirmed in my logic that intending to heal a physical condition is not a very lofty goal since it comes from the knowledge base of the past!
It aims to reestablish what already was as if that were the ideal state of affairs?!
Therefore it implies confusion on the entity that they don't even have a Plan “go back to what was ’safe‘ or neutral...”
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Don't look at the unfairness of society and say people do not get what they deserve..."its not fair!" and thereby be disempowered...
Look at that which is far Greater than society - CREATION ITSELF!!! - and declare that:
"I and all others get EXACTLY what we deserve in direct PROPORTION, NOT mere selfish equality, but PROPORTION to what we do and give...
The Primary Doing by the way is Realization...that's the "tricky" come one fine morning God come I had a dark night of the Soul that I believe led to that one fine morning...
Tbc but for now I think its Attitude. I didn't blame or prosecute my villains...I had fear but I didn't hate them...that gave me an uncanny ability to focus because of the voidness of reaction! It simply wasn't in me to react and because of that quality I was able to focus so intently that I was able to make it through the wormhole like Ellie Arroway did...also I was able to Focus in many many directions not just one! When I contemplated I saw the object of the contemplation from any and all directions or perspectives because I was told that God knew my every thought so I knew there was no point in lying to God...
Once I had my Awakening via Grace the next great challenge was to get rid of all the dogma of my "religion" to sift True from unEnlightened or misinformed...because The Grace revealed the ilusory nature of "reality" in favor of The True Nature of Reality...I just didn't know how to apply and LIVE that new Information...
'Till recently...
Yes The Great Rom had a lot to do with that.
Think about it...if The Grace of an "otherworldly" God hit you one fine morn who could possibly understand. Who could possibly advise! In The Ram I saw a Spirit that had the Knowledge, The Confidence, The Spirit (I saw it in His Eyes) that I could trust that He had the Authority and Power such that my Uncommon experience was NOT "out of his league" or domain...that He could actually understand ANALOGICALLY what had happened to me and thereby be able to help. 🔮
Look at that which is far Greater than society - CREATION ITSELF!!! - and declare that:
"I and all others get EXACTLY what we deserve in direct PROPORTION, NOT mere selfish equality, but PROPORTION to what we do and give...
The Primary Doing by the way is Realization...that's the "tricky" come one fine morning God come I had a dark night of the Soul that I believe led to that one fine morning...
Tbc but for now I think its Attitude. I didn't blame or prosecute my villains...I had fear but I didn't hate them...that gave me an uncanny ability to focus because of the voidness of reaction! It simply wasn't in me to react and because of that quality I was able to focus so intently that I was able to make it through the wormhole like Ellie Arroway did...also I was able to Focus in many many directions not just one! When I contemplated I saw the object of the contemplation from any and all directions or perspectives because I was told that God knew my every thought so I knew there was no point in lying to God...
Once I had my Awakening via Grace the next great challenge was to get rid of all the dogma of my "religion" to sift True from unEnlightened or misinformed...because The Grace revealed the ilusory nature of "reality" in favor of The True Nature of Reality...I just didn't know how to apply and LIVE that new Information...
'Till recently...
Yes The Great Rom had a lot to do with that.
Think about it...if The Grace of an "otherworldly" God hit you one fine morn who could possibly understand. Who could possibly advise! In The Ram I saw a Spirit that had the Knowledge, The Confidence, The Spirit (I saw it in His Eyes) that I could trust that He had the Authority and Power such that my Uncommon experience was NOT "out of his league" or domain...that He could actually understand ANALOGICALLY what had happened to me and thereby be able to help. 🔮
Monday, November 27, 2017
Love Your Enemies Or Be a Mere Mortal
Sometimes the father becomes the Buddha taught his parents...
sometimes gotta bite the bullet and Love unconditionally...
without being an enabler so to speak
Love your enemies
he IS Love...
conditional love is not Love at all
don't be normal...
be The Source that is your birthright as it were...
sometimes your friend is your worst enemy in that he/she could convince you to convince yourself that you don't have to Love your enemy...that you can be self righteous and self justified as to why you must hold a grudge and/or fail to Love that person unconditionally...
You will need some Knowledge to become such an Alchemist!
I'd bet you're gonna have to Study as well...deep Study of the self, the Self..The Cosmos and the relationship between all of these
kind of Study never ends but there are thresholds....
sometimes gotta bite the bullet and Love unconditionally...
without being an enabler so to speak
Love your enemies
he IS Love...
conditional love is not Love at all
don't be normal...
be The Source that is your birthright as it were...
sometimes your friend is your worst enemy in that he/she could convince you to convince yourself that you don't have to Love your enemy...that you can be self righteous and self justified as to why you must hold a grudge and/or fail to Love that person unconditionally...
You will need some Knowledge to become such an Alchemist!
I'd bet you're gonna have to Study as well...deep Study of the self, the Self..The Cosmos and the relationship between all of these
kind of Study never ends but there are thresholds....
Some Words of Advice
Make the decision and move off of it.
Do not linger...
That’s a dangerous place...
Do not linger...
That’s a dangerous place...
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
The Arrogance of “Arriving”...
If Atlatians fell because of linearity,
and blindness beyond the light..
Shouldn’t they want to see what they haven’t seen?
or fall once again.
arrogance of “arriving”...
and blindness beyond the light..
Shouldn’t they want to see what they haven’t seen?
or fall once again.
arrogance of “arriving”...
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Style Is Important...
Style is important...
means your central nervous system is strong enough to express through the peripheral nervous system
but central a sense
means your central nervous system is strong enough to express through the peripheral nervous system
but central a sense
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Accusing the Messenger
Sometimes people accuse the one who wakes them up for being this way or that...
not realizing or understanding that that person who is "waking them up" is simply REVEALING to
them FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME as it were,
the way things ALREADY WERE!...
but was hidden or unknown up to that point.
Interesting state of affairs....
Accusing the messenger.
not realizing or understanding that that person who is "waking them up" is simply REVEALING to
them FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME as it were,
the way things ALREADY WERE!...
but was hidden or unknown up to that point.
Interesting state of affairs....
Accusing the messenger.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Significance of Expression
Expression of the West I understand now
Is why we need Liberty and Freedom..
But Expression because without emotions...
how would we Grow...
on a Soul level...
Transform/Transmute negative emotions to positive
as Gurdjieff/Ouspensky said
[what they taught stems from prehistoric Egypt.]
To round off...the East specializes in Ramtha says.
Obviously we need both..
But today I speak of my realization...of the western part of it.
Is why we need Liberty and Freedom..
But Expression because without emotions...
how would we Grow...
on a Soul level...
Transform/Transmute negative emotions to positive
as Gurdjieff/Ouspensky said
[what they taught stems from prehistoric Egypt.]
To round off...the East specializes in Ramtha says.
Obviously we need both..
But today I speak of my realization...of the western part of it.
Saturday, April 15, 2017
The Gift of Life
The grooves of personality
interfacing with the quantum mechanism of transformation
which is in essence the eternal...
why that word?
that thought...
must be The Soul. Individual ity
leading to dna
equating privilege...
The Gift of Life
interfacing with the quantum mechanism of transformation
which is in essence the eternal...
why that word?
that thought...
must be The Soul. Individual ity
leading to dna
equating privilege...
The Gift of Life
Saturday, April 1, 2017
It's kinda arrogant to say "humbly" that "I'm less than."
here is the Universe
it's closer than the chin on your face
It's here and now...
can't get away from it
what makes YOU...or I
so special
that we stand out from amidst this Mind of God
to say we're not Special?!!
I'm Special because I'm NOT Special...
that's what that's saying
here is the Universe
it's closer than the chin on your face
It's here and now...
can't get away from it
what makes YOU...or I
so special
that we stand out from amidst this Mind of God
to say we're not Special?!!
I'm Special because I'm NOT Special...
that's what that's saying
doers get into a groove or a rhythym and that's where they thrive and "love" the most...but that's missing something...Consciousness...
thinkers care about being precise and seeing the whole picture - ideally - and so might lack the energy of the doer....
if you could be both a thinker and a doer you'd have the basic equation
but it's not an equation
it's a proportion...
so the third part needed is Mysticism...the perception of God...or Love or Idealism or Absolute Truth...or True Freedom
Conscious Beings Indeed are rare...
successful people are relatively many but Conscious Beings are Rare...
let alone Christs...
tis our brithright to Realize God...anyone who tyrannically thwarts that is corrupt
oh i know you don't like that word...okay substitute with the word Freedom...
thinkers care about being precise and seeing the whole picture - ideally - and so might lack the energy of the doer....
if you could be both a thinker and a doer you'd have the basic equation
but it's not an equation
it's a proportion...
so the third part needed is Mysticism...the perception of God...or Love or Idealism or Absolute Truth...or True Freedom
Conscious Beings Indeed are rare...
successful people are relatively many but Conscious Beings are Rare...
let alone Christs...
tis our brithright to Realize God...anyone who tyrannically thwarts that is corrupt
oh i know you don't like that word...okay substitute with the word Freedom...
Friday, March 31, 2017
Monday, March 27, 2017
Should I say "its better to die than to not Live" is an expose of the vacuum...or more like a statement OF the vacuum...
When darth vader searched Obi Wan's robe to no avail..that was an example of one not being able to what?
PERCEIVE The Vacuum!...
Then people are stuck with the either/or paradigm
They have to compromise their Dreams
good and weak victims* or bad with the illusion of power...
*footnote on good and weak because I could hear the thoughts/feelings "not me!!! I'm STRONG!!!" yeah that strategy will last for so long till you get some debilitating condition. ..that strategy only works for small conquests. ..also one is lible to swing to the other extreme and become a tyrant like darth vader. ..which prevents Evolution past certain point...
When darth vader searched Obi Wan's robe to no avail..that was an example of one not being able to what?
PERCEIVE The Vacuum!...
Then people are stuck with the either/or paradigm
They have to compromise their Dreams
good and weak victims* or bad with the illusion of power...
*footnote on good and weak because I could hear the thoughts/feelings "not me!!! I'm STRONG!!!" yeah that strategy will last for so long till you get some debilitating condition. ..that strategy only works for small conquests. ..also one is lible to swing to the other extreme and become a tyrant like darth vader. ..which prevents Evolution past certain point...
Sunday, March 26, 2017
So you might say "oh that must be why we used to have to have perpetual wars to keep us Awake!!!"
Let me say it would be much more Wise to Shock ourSELVES Deliberately and Consciously rather than needing violent wars to Awaken us...
So here we see the mutual codependence of victimhood with violent solutions...
If we don't deal Consciously and with Reality then it eventually forces itself into manifestation in ways we will not neccesarily like.
Sunday, March 19, 2017
So satanism is of the body
lucifereanism is of the intellect...
they are the false prophets
false ways
could easily creep into religions...
not to mention society secularly...
lucifereanism is of the intellect...
they are the false prophets
false ways
could easily creep into religions...
not to mention society secularly...
late egyptian empires
SO...whenever something...ANYthing is made known, Quantum Physics makes it that you will again NOT know something if we know that these are limited to current ages...
what 's the Religion of ALL Ages?!!
Einstein touched on that...
If we know that... what's now unknown.
What is the Religion of ALL UNIVERSES
The Mind of God
think on it...1st coming happened at the beginning of Pisces
WHAT?! need evidence?! what year is it..2017
get me...
every ~2000 years it it's the new age now ..Age of Aquarius...Second Coming of Christ ...
The question is why wasn't the 1st Coming the Second Coming .
b/c control and power doesn't get these Spiritual Matters so it allows for the current age religion which means forgetting the past...unless you could control it to serve power...the very limited know taxes...
So we get our 1st Coming and now our 2nd Coming...
there are two things to say...
1st is the obvious...will we be forgetful again like last age's beginning...
BUT!!! Something much more exciting to say here...
It just so happens that out of the 12 ages
TWO of them are Ages of Light...meaning we cross through the light band of the Milky Way...
That's why you're so Excited...that feeling you have...tbc
late egyptian empires
SO...whenever something...ANYthing is made known, Quantum Physics makes it that you will again NOT know something if we know that these are limited to current ages...
what 's the Religion of ALL Ages?!!
Einstein touched on that...
If we know that... what's now unknown.
What is the Religion of ALL UNIVERSES
The Mind of God
think on it...1st coming happened at the beginning of Pisces
WHAT?! need evidence?! what year is it..2017
get me...
every ~2000 years it it's the new age now ..Age of Aquarius...Second Coming of Christ ...
The question is why wasn't the 1st Coming the Second Coming .
b/c control and power doesn't get these Spiritual Matters so it allows for the current age religion which means forgetting the past...unless you could control it to serve power...the very limited know taxes...
So we get our 1st Coming and now our 2nd Coming...
there are two things to say...
1st is the obvious...will we be forgetful again like last age's beginning...
BUT!!! Something much more exciting to say here...
It just so happens that out of the 12 ages
TWO of them are Ages of Light...meaning we cross through the light band of the Milky Way...

That's why you're so Excited...that feeling you have...tbc
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Friday, March 3, 2017
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Awaken the World as Mission
Leaders Know what others don't
but, virtually all don't Know including the leader
that is why they are leaders
but, virtually all don't Know including the leader
that is why they are leaders
Sunday, February 26, 2017
What Sets America Apart/What Makes It Great
America is Great because
it has both axes
the horizontal axis of Democracy - the melting pot ethos -
combined with the Vertical Axis
of The Republic...
Other countries apparently have one axis or the other
but not so much both!!!
That is a TRUE Meaning of the Cross...
a True Interpretation of The Christ -
the crucifixion which holds the beast of limitedness AT bay...
North Korea might be a good example of a republic without democracy leading to authoritarianism/dictatorship
While the european movement of going back to one's roots might be a movement of Real/True Democracy without the Complex Form of The Republic...note that there is Real Democracy of transparency, courage, honesty, etc. as contrasted with false even within Democracies there is room for improvement. However, I'd say that even a Real Democracy is not neccessarily a Republic for a Republic would have to incorporate the element of Intellect/Thought which would be inFORMing. That is to say, the element of FORM comes into play with Republics not so much with democracies (even "Real Democracies!!!").
God Bless 🇺🇸 Means we Americans have a responsibility to be Great as well...
Friday, February 24, 2017
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Empowerment through Realization of One's Role In The Formation of One's Reality
The People you see/know..
what if they are the way that they are because, of You.....
and you just didn't know it or Realize it...
The Observer Effect of Quantum Physics...💡
So if they annoy you
Maybe it's because they are Mirrors reflecting back to you,
aspects of You
that you haven't yet learned to forgive and/or Love and Appreciate...
what if they are the way that they are because, of You.....
and you just didn't know it or Realize it...
The Observer Effect of Quantum Physics...💡
So if they annoy you
Maybe it's because they are Mirrors reflecting back to you,
aspects of You
that you haven't yet learned to forgive and/or Love and Appreciate...
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Love It
Like the state Shaman who rallied against The Freedom Fighter until She realized that the state ITSELF was bad for the Future and she reversed positions DI-A-metrically...and became the Shaman for the Freedom Fighters ever since...
What would your Soul look like from the point of view of your Body vs the Point of View of your God!
From the POV of your God you would have had to Realize God otherwise, again, it would be the pov of the body...the body imagining, supposing, feeling or thinking what The Soul would look like from the POV of God rather than the actual Realization of God Observing The Soul...
While somewhat Philosophical...not that much!!! 😲
From the POV of your God you would have had to Realize God otherwise, again, it would be the pov of the body...the body imagining, supposing, feeling or thinking what The Soul would look like from the POV of God rather than the actual Realization of God Observing The Soul...
While somewhat Philosophical...not that much!!! 😲
Love It
Like the state Shaman who rallied against The Freedom Fighter until She realized that the state ITSELF was bad for the Future and she reversed positions diametrically and became the Shaman for the Freedom Fighters ever since...
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Confession Is Good for The Soul (but don't get caught in polarity)
Set on being catholic/Christian? don't confess in private, don't pray for it IN THE WORLD OF REALITY!!! WITHOUT DISRUPTING People to attractive attention to you just for the sake of ego...Just do what's Right..Clean and dramaless...then let it go. Don't ever feel guilty. Do what's Right. So Be That
Saturday, February 11, 2017
The Sin of Omission/Innocent Delusion
There is not one but two or three ways of being "off."
The sin of CO-mission which is the more obvious kind then there is the sin of O-mission...the more hidden kind.....
Another term I've come across is innocent delusion. Just because this innocent delusion is somewhat "hidden" doesn't make it alright
The sin of CO-mission which is the more obvious kind then there is the sin of O-mission...the more hidden kind.....
Another term I've come across is innocent delusion. Just because this innocent delusion is somewhat "hidden" doesn't make it alright
Innocent delusion thought that because it wasn't doing anything bad that it was innocent and Pure...
Sunday, January 22, 2017
From Intellect to Intuition to Absolution
So when the republican establishment were relevant we had to teach them to be more intuitive..I don't think they got the memo
Now we have to teach the establishment democrats that intuition ALONE is not enough anymore for we're Evolving!!
We SHOULD be Intuitive but now we've graduated to the next level of Absolution...
What is Absolution? Tbc
Now we have to teach the establishment democrats that intuition ALONE is not enough anymore for we're Evolving!!
We SHOULD be Intuitive but now we've graduated to the next level of Absolution...
What is Absolution? Tbc
Friday, January 20, 2017
Lineage of Consciousness
America was NOT founded by
but by Consciousness.
A Lineage of Consciousness that has come full Circle because it started all the back on this land during the times of Atlatia and Lemuria
There IS a form. Like the Pyramid - which means Fire in the middle - there IS a form...
but by Consciousness.
A Lineage of Consciousness that has come full Circle because it started all the back on this land during the times of Atlatia and Lemuria
There IS a form. Like the Pyramid - which means Fire in the middle - there IS a form...
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