How could you expect to do something that you yourself do not Believe is possible...
To Believe takes Energy
But what if I said that this Energy would result in more Energy..
there is a term for this that those who know about Free Energy Technology use..

Sunday, December 11, 2016
Sunday, December 4, 2016
INCLUDING The Way Change Changes...
The media still interprets everything through a grid lens...rather than seeing things in the context of the 4Dimensional line of time...that things are changing including the way change changes...
Winter Dreamscape
I have this Vision of Skiing down this slope at the top of Mountain..pretty High i reckon..Winter Wonderland ❄ soft white powder ; narrow..almost other worldly...ta this day, this Vision still lies on the cusp of "reality" and dream...perhaps both but that doesn't change the sublimity of the vision ❄
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
CIVILization vs. REALization
civilization is understandable & reasonable
REAL ization is
neither sane OR insane
REAL ization is
neither sane OR insane
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Saturday, November 12, 2016
New Definition of The 1%
Even during the Occupy Movement whose motto was the 1%
I thought and expressed that the true 1% definition should take a spiritual bent rather than a purely economic, political bent.
So what if Now we saw the 1%/99% movement in another light..
The 1% would not just be those cabal members but ALL people who choose psychotic behavior whether powerful or not...
So the 1%/99% concept would take in a more psychological definition rather than predominantly economic, social, political...
That would actually help to Unify people from all political parties and classes (that dangerous c word)...
I thought and expressed that the true 1% definition should take a spiritual bent rather than a purely economic, political bent.
So what if Now we saw the 1%/99% movement in another light..
The 1% would not just be those cabal members but ALL people who choose psychotic behavior whether powerful or not...
So the 1%/99% concept would take in a more psychological definition rather than predominantly economic, social, political...
That would actually help to Unify people from all political parties and classes (that dangerous c word)...
Okay Academy Friends, 'Nother Dream Tonight
Okay Friends, 'nother Dream Tonight.
another "Apartment"/ seemingly more long than square
dinner table on one end
meeting ON THE FLOOR at the other
Mervyn SITTING!!! on the floor
calls us over to sit
Of course there's gonna be Wine
check this out
Now, a Table is on the other end,
I'm sitting, we seem to be having our thing
young lady
Mervyn's storms to the kitchen in front of me
so he's very much Merc like a cross between young Mel Gibson and a Pirate
he's out of the kitchen still having this fight/argument
with this young female student
get this
he's no longer Venusian
he's Merc Saturn!!
maybe it's his next life like Collins speaks 'bout.
He's Walking great - in this case Storming
he's becoming Saturn right before my eyes
as I try to meet with others 'bout this Transformation!!
so he's taller
walking great
and he's not fat
like a Saturn!!! :o
not super tall but kinda tall ..
this young lady student whom I don't know
is the first to storm out with her cute little suitcase
again like some character in a Play that would have a character like
Eliza Dolittle
The Meeting ends,
perhaps Mervyn called it
he said to be sure to bring something next time
perhaps it was Wine ( :) ) or ....
on the way out I'm back at the original setup with the Dining table on the other end
we're picking up our Christmas gifts which were at each table setting
at least one of which had a silver wrapping with black
most seemed to have nice ribbon
mine had only ribbon
and was a book
Seemed hopeful
btw, it wasn't a negative emotion dream
rather pleasant
the fight was kinda cute
like lovers fighting
and this New, Mervyn SO merc
yet also saturn
like a!!! storming..
so Mervyn says something indicating we were going to meet up again perhaps later or tomorrow...
i jumped around a bit in recounting this Dream..
another "Apartment"/ seemingly more long than square
dinner table on one end
meeting ON THE FLOOR at the other
Mervyn SITTING!!! on the floor
calls us over to sit
Of course there's gonna be Wine
check this out
Now, a Table is on the other end,
I'm sitting, we seem to be having our thing
young lady
Mervyn's storms to the kitchen in front of me
so he's very much Merc like a cross between young Mel Gibson and a Pirate
he's out of the kitchen still having this fight/argument
with this young female student
get this
he's no longer Venusian
he's Merc Saturn!!
maybe it's his next life like Collins speaks 'bout.
He's Walking great - in this case Storming
he's becoming Saturn right before my eyes
as I try to meet with others 'bout this Transformation!!
so he's taller
walking great
and he's not fat
like a Saturn!!! :o
not super tall but kinda tall ..
this young lady student whom I don't know
is the first to storm out with her cute little suitcase
again like some character in a Play that would have a character like
Eliza Dolittle
The Meeting ends,
perhaps Mervyn called it
he said to be sure to bring something next time
perhaps it was Wine ( :) ) or ....
on the way out I'm back at the original setup with the Dining table on the other end
we're picking up our Christmas gifts which were at each table setting
at least one of which had a silver wrapping with black
most seemed to have nice ribbon
mine had only ribbon
and was a book
Seemed hopeful
btw, it wasn't a negative emotion dream
rather pleasant
the fight was kinda cute
like lovers fighting
and this New, Mervyn SO merc
yet also saturn
like a!!! storming..
so Mervyn says something indicating we were going to meet up again perhaps later or tomorrow...
i jumped around a bit in recounting this Dream..
For My Academy Friends
Had a True Dream with Mervyn this Night.
i Got to say and be like I may have wished I could have said and been. i said that time is not linear (there is no time or maybe there is but it's not linear).
said, i think, that I Love him while embracing him, of course I was crying..
the home was an oscar winning home
he wanted to introduce me to this lady who's name looked like it might be Eliza Dolittle - short, hair seemingly pulled back like a bun and eyes that seemed mentally like they'd be green but visually maybe grey with the black center...short, perhaps cute, around 60s.
it was like our King of Hearts dinners a long narrow table with other students - we were on the end.
why was the home award winning?
i observed to find out
i Got to say and be like I may have wished I could have said and been. i said that time is not linear (there is no time or maybe there is but it's not linear).
said, i think, that I Love him while embracing him, of course I was crying..
the home was an oscar winning home
he wanted to introduce me to this lady who's name looked like it might be Eliza Dolittle - short, hair seemingly pulled back like a bun and eyes that seemed mentally like they'd be green but visually maybe grey with the black center...short, perhaps cute, around 60s.
it was like our King of Hearts dinners a long narrow table with other students - we were on the end.
why was the home award winning?
i observed to find out
Friday, November 11, 2016
Thursday, November 10, 2016
I'm not in despair....
do not give up. There IS a way but you HAVE to NOT be cynical or too angry for too long....There IS a Way.
BUT YOU MUST STOP THINKING YOU'RE A MERE HUMAN BEING! Nothing I say will make any Real sense!
Don't you get could blame horizontally all you want but The Universe is telling us in an "in your face" kind of way by NOW that YOU CAN'T SOLVE THE CHALLENGES OF HUMAN/ORGANIC LIFE ON EARTH THROUGH MASS TO MASS WAYS because we are NOT MERE MASS!!!
You have to realize that we are much greater..
I could use different terms like Superhuman or Conscious Being...
as shri mataji said, if being a human were all we were meant to be then "why so much problem"/your liver does not agree with your heart. your kidney does not agree with your head, etc....
BUT YOU MUST STOP THINKING YOU'RE A MERE HUMAN BEING! Nothing I say will make any Real sense!
Don't you get could blame horizontally all you want but The Universe is telling us in an "in your face" kind of way by NOW that YOU CAN'T SOLVE THE CHALLENGES OF HUMAN/ORGANIC LIFE ON EARTH THROUGH MASS TO MASS WAYS because we are NOT MERE MASS!!!
You have to realize that we are much greater..
I could use different terms like Superhuman or Conscious Being...
as shri mataji said, if being a human were all we were meant to be then "why so much problem"/your liver does not agree with your heart. your kidney does not agree with your head, etc....
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
"Many years ago, in the 1990’s, when I did more work with Grey Abductees, I was told that 40% of American Public were Grey Abductees and Government Programmed Multiples. I had no idea at the time that that 40% would be responsible for an “almost take over” of our American Political Process. I have also observed in recent years how the “mass shootings” that have dominated our news, were always done by “Grey Abductees.” In every shooting, when I have checked the soul identity of the shooter, they are always Grey Abductees with Government Programmed Multiple Programming."
Commander Stahr
Monday, October 24, 2016
Non Physical Center of Gravity
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