

Monday, September 15, 2014

One or more sides of war either are unwillingly to or don't know about the option to Invite & Allow ego death...thus.war, violence, unnecesary destruction AND whatsoever...

Sunday, September 14, 2014

How could You NOT Love America...
I always have..
Love would kick the shit out of our enemies..
they wouldn't stand a chance;
We'd be smiling ,
while they were crying;
only to see...
that we are ALL United...

Love would deliberately or surprisingly
bring All of us
to our knees

in Peace
of our God Realization.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Tying the Loose Ends TOGETHER!!! into a Circle

In what may be the missing Conceptual Key to Unifying the World.
I always thought what if the so called far left and the so called far right MET meaning, well you already know what I'm going to say.

The Circle of Life ...

I finally received the "Runner" as it is termed.  Could it be such a Simple Key as this?!  Was it there this whole time right under our noses, in front of us & we were too distracted to see it and apply it?!
May be a Great Boon to us all regarding coming together as a Peoples
'stead of seeing what's different with each other & divisive,
to see what's Common, Unifying & True Peace inducing...

Monday, September 1, 2014

As Spiritual Beings along the Spiritual Path of Ascending
'tis our Job, indeed, our Obligation to Push Up those already Above Us.
that's intimidating
cause they're standing there with a BroadSword saying....

"What?!  you're gonna Push ME!...HMmm, I'd like to see you try..."

But we must.
THEN.. EVERYone Grows; EVERYone Benefits;;;
But, You gotta EARN that Accolade
..Through FEARLESS Future Forward Focus in the name of self sacrifice (which have NOTHING at all to do with suicide or ordinary martyrdom by the way, just in case you were getting ideas; gotta be sure to clear that up...) we Ascend Together As Love <3

So Be It!!
Perfection is NOT a Virtue.
Again, 'tis of the past;
Again, 'tis a MALE false "virtue"...
not calling to hate men;
but the past is like a reflex of our collective social consciousness;
its retrograde 'n regressive;
it's a deceiver...
self-Observe how fast it creeps in...
the tendency to "sink back" into the past in the form of feeling secure & safe
not talking philosophy or somewhere in some distant far off time.
am speaking of the psycho-physical tendency to "rest" again...