

Saturday, August 31, 2013


seems Direction - South, North, East, West - are Originated from the Rotation of Terra Herself (Earth) as well as the consequent Direction of the Wind & Weather (West to East or East to West).  Thus, prob. find linguistic connection between words "West" &; "East" and this Rotation &/or Wind not to mention the Rising of Sun & Moon.

east  movement water
west  intellect heaven
south emotions fire
north instincts earth

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Conscious Beingness Beyond the Ordinary


The box represents the limited personality
Note: it does NOT "Touch" the Top of the Triad which Represents You Know Who/What
God can Be Personal (as in Jesus the Christ)
God can be IMPersonal (as in that which is termed, The Mind of God).
Rarely, God Incarnates As a "Human" Form but "Rare" is Relative amidst Eternity
Some Conscious Beings of MyStory that Live Beyond the Box are:

William Blake
Walt Whitman
St. Teresa De Avila
Rainer Maria Rilke
Elizabeth I
Fra Angelico
Marcus Aurelius
Julianna of Norwich
William Shakespeare
Leonardo DaVinci
Lao Tsu
Hildegarde Von Bingen
Appollonius of Tyana
& More

They are the "Jokers" of the 54 Cards(those cards people throw away to play their games), Christs & Ascended Masters.  We All Have the God Given Potential To Become As Them & Greater.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Multiverse is IN the Universe

The Multiverse is IN the Universe :|
not separate.
can't have Universe Without ...well ya' know..the Others..