

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Master's alREADY on the "Other Side"

'Tis regretful to have to be told be shown something (as in the process of Proof); 'Tis much more Glorious to Faith Only to Be Given the Proof Later.

'Tis regretful to have to tend to one's lower mind before acting upon one's Higher Mind's Knowingness - the lower mind always delaying the Entity's Ascension.

'Tis Glorious & Even Noble to NOT have to be told by the Master what one's Higher Mind already Knows.

What a shame, indeed, a travesty, when the Higher Mind gets dragged down and controlled by the lower mind slowing down progress.

'Tis the Compassion of ANY Master NOT to spell things out for the student for the Master Desires the Student to Operate on an UltraHigh Frequency because the Master already Knows that only on these Higher Frequencies can the Initiate make their Way to True Freedom beyond suffering (including 'subtle suffering').

And the Master Knows that 'tis also a Gift for the Student to Find out on his/her Own - that there is Value in the Work Itself.

Reminiscent of the Teaching on the ignorant one who in trying to become wise did A, B & C - each step being Yet more demonstrations of the ignorance.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How Much do you care 'Bout your the Japanese...the World Ended on 3/11/11
Man & Woman Create God in Their Own image....Doesn't mean God is Not Real...Kinda reminds me of Whole Creation vs Evolution debate and how 'tis Both :)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Conscious Beings, Masters & Christs

The more Conscious Beings and Christs that Trod the Earth, Then We Have Ages Called Renaissance.

When we have little or no Conscious Beings, Masters &/Or Christs that Walk Terra,
we have That which we Rightly Call dark ages...

When the People Understand Things Without Having to Be Told, We Have Beauty..Real Beauty; 

When People approach Spirituality with what they want to Create & NOT what is...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Accessing one's Soul & Spirit is as Intentional & 'Aggressive' as drilling for oil or Mining for Minerals; Not accidental;;Not automatic.

2 Kinds of Evolution

  1. Gradual Evolution
  2. Sudden 90 Degree Turn Evolution: Jesus, Buddha, Ramtha, Socrates, William Blake, Etc.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

'Tis better Not to ask questions
Make Statements
questions are for those who like to beat around the bush
and avoid their Own Absolute Truth
Doesn't mean you have to become a tyrant