
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Love is Invisible
Love is Invisible
Think of a Loved One who died...
Can you see them???
So Love is Visible "IN"
It's SUB Atomic :)))
IN Visible
IN the Atom
Subvisible :))
Think of a Loved One who died...
Can you see them???
So Love is Visible "IN"
It's SUB Atomic :)))
IN Visible
IN the Atom
Subvisible :))
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Soul's Challenge
the greater the challenges in a life the stronger the Soul
I reckon that some of these Souls deliberately incarnated with great challenges so as to Teach & be Great "Lights" to the..World/s...
I reckon some of these Souls also forget to engage that Ultimate battle
Friday, December 2, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
People usually associate "BEING INVENTIVE" with external things (scientific machines/gadgets, forms, etc.) and not with internal "things" (Ways of Living etc.).
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Jehovah & His Enslavement
The God known as Jehovah is the God of Terran(Earth) enslavement & law.
AKA The Ten Commandments
the laws that make people:
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
My Dream is to Awaken the World
even if it kills me..
esepecially if it kills me.
I know what Awakening entails
Death of the Ego/Self
I can't die
but my illusions can
and so
Ego Death
One of ego's tricks is to say:
you are separate
from God
thus not worthy.."yet"
to die egoically to be Free
"somthin' i gotta do, get whole first"
I'm ready
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Meaning of Life
The meaning of life is to Awaken
not to live better
living better is an incidental by-product
living better is
Great Questions
it's not just about nature vs nurture with respect to sexuality;
it's about another way of Living that is NOT natural -hetero OR homo or "bi" etc.
In other words, nature vs nurture is not a Great question.
Great question is whether or not one is God/who or what is God? What's the meaning
Friday, September 9, 2011
Our Choice
Crititcal Times notwithstanding, as far as I'm concerned..we're definitely not here to merely survive; but to Awaken
we're not here just to see 2013; we're here to See ..EVERYTHING.
"is it really such a hard choice?!"lol ---darkness or Freedom
SUffering or Bliss
the catch is that you can't be there to enjoy the Bliss :)
with Focus, Will
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Sun of God
He was walking amidst us
Egypt's Sun God Ra
Egypt went to Greece
Greece went to Rome...
and the new Sun-rise did Yeshua Ben Joseph see while on the cross
..a new era..[dawn of a New Age]
the New Hope that comes with the awareness of Long time,
of the Spiritual Aspect that Transcends a Age.
There is the Sun our Heart of hearts..
Sunday, July 24, 2011
communists are averse to property
capitalists "hold to" property
they are BOTH clinging
clinging is an obstacle to Freedom
lukewarm never boils
Have the Day You Always Dreamed of..even if it's in your little room.
"You don't have to leave your home to be a Conqueror." Ramtha
capitalists "hold to" property
they are BOTH clinging
clinging is an obstacle to Freedom
lukewarm never boils
Have the Day You Always Dreamed of..even if it's in your little room.
"You don't have to leave your home to be a Conqueror." Ramtha
Spectrum of Government
Tyranny/Despotism-pretty bad
Socialism/Communism-compared to what we just had (tyranny) sure seems pretty idyllic
Democracy-rule by the People
Republic-in my opinion protects the Rights of the Individual so that He/She can Realize their Highest potential. The Challenge of this form, which may be Idealized in "Solon's Republic" (America being 2nd), is that there seems to have to be a certain critical mass of "Higher" Men & Women who communicate beyond argumentativeness, intellectual waltzes/merry-
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
I Remember Now...
I remember now...I don't take survival into account..not solely and certainly not primarily.
Awakening, to me, is not about concerning for survival; 'tis 'bout dying before one dies. I should say Die...
The resultant Analogical State IS worth dying for..
what's more, it in itself contains the unknown that we are attempting to make known that, in my
viewpoint, there is no better option. Also, it's for no one to say what is possible "in" that State with respect to Ascending.
Finally, how could one get their frequency fast enough TO Ascend if that entity is concerned about survival; the speed would never get past a certain point so it seems obvious that without the overcoming of the need to survive that one's frequency would never get fast enough to Ascend.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
"The Days That Are Here"
getting the haunting suspicion that "The Days That Are Here" are not just about Earthquakes out there but the ones IN us.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Vibrational Ethers
"every thought that has ever been thought still exists, it's NOT stored in your brain"
Friday, June 3, 2011
Jehovah, God, Involution, Evolution, so-called Beginning all happen in but a blink.
doesn't mean these and/or Ramtha are not real; just means we need to be very High-Frequency to experience them and at those high frequencies they happen in but an infinitesimality of a second; a blip on the radar screen
TO a God, they wouldn't be a blip, they'd be REality.
doesn't mean these and/or Ramtha are not real; just means we need to be very High-Frequency to experience them and at those high frequencies they happen in but an infinitesimality of a second; a blip on the radar screen
TO a God, they wouldn't be a blip, they'd be REality.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
I believe in America..I believe in the Revolutionary Spirit..and that it can be rekindled; that dormant aspect reignites giving honor and dignity to a people who once had it; ReAwakening to who and What we really are: Noble, Staunch, Immovable, Righteous, Courageous to the nth degree & radical to the Core
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
X-Ray Vision
All conditions can be seen THROUGH; thus, the thought of blindness is not neccesarily blindness; the thought of death thru calamity is NOT neccesarily death thru calamity either. the thought of being wrong is not neccesarily being wrong.
flow Through your body; RAYdiate it. :)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Mafu's Darshan for Women
"One day as has happened on every 3rd dimensional planet that has ever day all the men will be gone, because men never never can sustain the karmic right to incarnate existence once Enlightenment begins to become on a planet. They must now go forth in their own disappointment and find new ways to produce life and those who Enlighten as men they become deities; and as on every 3rd dimensional planet the only beings that walk are Christed women, who are Deities, Christed men, who are Deities, and specially women.
Your planet will see SuperConsciousness sooner than you know
Your men will pass into wind but for those who have God; some of your women will move into attainment, most will remain and they will become one with God, woman to God and from that they will Grow because it has always been that way. You by touching what you really can bring so many of your men with you, so many of your people with you. Your men, the ones that are ready for Enlightenment, they are like women, haven't you noticed?! Your men, they must come through your womb as it were; and you, if not for Enlightenment, simply for Happiness all the time You must Taste of yourself Eat of yourself of what you REALLY are of what your qualities REALLY are and from that, if nothing else, there is only Joy and from that there is great Realization. You contemplate this."
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.
Alexis de Tocqueville
Read more:
Alexis de Tocqueville
Read more:
Friday, May 13, 2011
Auras are not really blobs of energy. They're movable bands that if manipulated deliberately can result in INCREASE in energy, alertness, capability, healing ability, not to mention the more outrageous things that can happen to you if you learn how to spin them to the point that you just flat out dissappear.
We have two sets of bands, each with seven frequencies from Hertzian through Infrared, Visible Light, Ultraviolet Blue, X-Ray, Gamma Ray & Infinite Unknown.
Top of correspondi
Monday, May 9, 2011
and there they were;
in Heaven..
could smell them through autumn air
'twas a time of limbo it seemed
the future was coming
well ..'tis here
..and 'tis still now
'tis a miracle!
it is unbelievable
only explanation is I AM God.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
True Freedom
communists are averse to property
capitalists "hold to" property
they are BOTH clinging
clinging is an obstacle to Freedom
capitalists "hold to" property
they are BOTH clinging
clinging is an obstacle to Freedom
lukewarm never boils
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
If you've died before, reincarnation's correct
If you haven't, then death is an unknown aspect of our consciousness :)
Friday, April 29, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
nothing stops me from my Dreams..not even the truth.
I am Courage contemplating myself into Knowing.
I am the earthworm
I am Courage contemplating myself into Knowing.
I am the earthworm
I am the Earth
I am fire
I am squirrel
I am tree
I am cosmos
I am you
I am Love
I can't die.
I am All
I am nothing
I am Action
I am fire
I am squirrel
I am tree
I am cosmos
I am you
I am Love
I can't die.
I am All
I am nothing
I am Action
I will NEVER die because I will never Focus on it
if my eye offends me, then PLUCK IT OUT!!!! God Damnit! :)
Sunday, April 10, 2011
as the desire is born YOU became more and unless you catch up with the more you've become you don't feel as good as you now can't go back, you know too much; life can't cause you to expand and you remain happy not taking the expansion; every negative emotion that anyone ever feels is because life caused them to expand and they didn't go; and that's what guilt is, life caused you to expand and you didn't go.
Body Vs. Spirit
pleasure to the body is sensual
pleasure to the Spirit is Focus, Alertness, Awareness
since the Spirit lives much much longer our God considers the pleasures of the Spirit much more valuable, sustainable and well..pleasurable.
Allowing, to the body, is sensual
Allowing to the Spirit is the Allowing TO Focus - the self-permission at all costs, in the now, no matter what.
That's what I call God Realization
Our soldiers, or better yet, Warriors would be noble, upright, fearless
Our scientists would be allowed to pursue and distribute Enlightened technology like Tesla's free electricity that was available many years ago but thwarted by J.P. Morgan in favor of Edison's measurable, and therefore quantifiable (sellable) electricity.
Our all-important Mothers would be nurturing, Enlightened, Wise, Instructive and dependable.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Gamma Ray Frequency
Gamma Ray Frequency - Sixth Seal
make known unknown of subconscious mind
Soul Realization
why swim against the riptide; let the tide take you out to sea, regroup, and make way back;
don't resist nuclear energy; they already exist in so many realities; don't resist them;
Transmute what's already out there and IN HERE; "chew" on it;
'tis all about food..digestion.
this is our Assay..who will Survive ..who WANTS to...we shall see..
Thursday, February 3, 2011
downstream societally might be upstream personally which is suffering; suffering doesn't have to be a bad thing insofar as it might lead one to Awakening.
downstream personally might sound upstream societally vis a vis our built-in fear mechanism.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Interesting Characteristics of Peoples According to..Me
tibetans-Inwardly focused/Spiritual
Israelites-simultaneously intellectual and emotional
American Indians-affinity with organic nature
Germans-hard core/radical
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Status Quo
Look at the world as it is at the time of this writing! What, on a mass scale, is hailed as a high ideal? Getting a college degree; being better than your colleague, thus competition. Getting awards. Having wonderful material possessions. Having lots of money. Having attractive spouses. What among those things are actually lofty aspirations? On their own, probably none of them. So what are lofty aspirations?
Eternal Life
Ability to heal oneself and others.
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