
Monday, June 21, 2010
There's Nothing Left for Me to Do
There's nothing left for me to Bashar and Abraham said, it's about how you feel more than circumstances. State of being matters not circumstances.
Beginning to think that the Academy and other such schools are for the improvement of life. However, as The Living One said, you can't get to God through nature. Can get closer to God through nature but never Analogical. Question is..what is Analogical. Answer is obviously clear. I must choose between God and nature.
Our American Union
Friends & Countrymen, lend me your ears..our Founding Fathers afforded us certain freedoms, certain inalienable rights. with that freedom we have the freedom to choose between the ordinary life or the Higher one. We have the luxury of having the choice to try to realize our full potential as a nation and a citizen of the world. If we don't take that option then we might have to start all over again in creating the basis for that as our founding fathers have 250 plus years ago. Or perhaps some other brave souls on the earth will do so first.
It would be a pity to waste our potential and opportunity before us just because we were shortsighted. Because we didn't realize the opportunity we have. Americans need not think small. We are too powerful for that. 'Twould be a waste of our power to think small. Simply enjoying our nation's luxuries is an example of what I mean by thinking small. Always being self-protective is another example. Worshipping death is NOT the higher life. Believing in immortality or at least eternity IS.
It's not about automatic pilot.
So I ask you this...what is our future? What are we to create. How long can we enjoy the Sacrifices of our past until we have to make new ones to sustain ourselves. A bird has to flap it's wings to fly then it can glide. I feel we've been gliding for long enough and that it's time for us to flap our wings again if we are to keep flying. In other words, do we want to Ascend(Regenerate) or degenerate?!
Monday, June 14, 2010
ray of creation
what is the upside down triangle? what is Unnature??? Cleaving the Buddha...Killing the Buddha...Killing all Sacred Cows....the aristocracy, indeed the privileged...can afford to stay positive, emotionally, but the serious Cleave God himself to Realize Her...the ray of creation has many levels of energy; positive emotion is good but it's NOT the ultimate!!!
for some, pleasantries are simply not good enough. they want it all; more accurately, they want to BECOME it all.
what if the greatest last frontier were the self..the self of the individual...
"it's not what you do to your body, it's what you do to your mind." Ramtha
..And what IS the self? Is it not the Soul, the Book of Life! which transcends time & space.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Womanly Love
I only Love one woman. I told her so but can never reveal her name; why? Cause I Love her..I Love you..I AM you..
I AM everything
and yet I AM nothing.
I am Love. Love is molecular; not cellular
it's intangible
it's I
it's NOT i
it's Grace-Given
it's my only Love_________ I love you so
In order to succeed you MUST be willing to fail. must not control reality. must not lose focus on OBJECTive
what's the goal? the method.
the way IS the goal..I think
sure sounds good
what do i want..the destruction of bullshit
what do i really mean??
i want to be cool
why? why not. seriously..i want to kill i want to be something
who am I? Love
Love is's Grace..Given or ..I ..
"better to be wrong and alive, than correct and dead."
martha graham
I Died at PSU-1993 of may
fail miserably too..not just a little..a LOT!!
why be timid, be BOLD
don't control the uncontrollable; don't try
after all...failure IS success so fail huge so you can succeed huge
Brain Wavelengths
Alpha - positive emotion
Beta - the Personality Program; aka "the Matrix"
Theta "meditation"; deeper than personality program
Delta - deep sleep
Friday, June 4, 2010
lucky 13
monkey say monkey that all that you can do?
teacher say this, you do that
you get a prize and you think that's where it's at;
is there more?
i say yes..destroying the doer
may bring a new view
laws get in the way,
of a Freedom seekers goal
Destroy All obstacles
within and without
i must say goodnight now
to asleep and awake
wondering what's happening
the point of all this
nameo ren gye
words of pure reason
nameo ren gye
words of pure NONsense
nameo rengye
the Christ is a mystery
nameo ren gye
number lucky 13
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Soul..The Book of Life
I AM the book of life..could this be what Mervyn Brady meant by Soul?! I AM the Soul. Hmm..nameo ren gye
nameo ren gye
nameo ren gye
chaos theory
no wonder no one trusts Gailon..who would trust ME?!! HeHe
sata deva manusanam
nameo ren gye kyoho kyoto
there is no purpose
the audacity..
nameo ren gye
Links (Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight Author)
Eckhart (A New Earth Author)
Neale Donald (Humanity's Team Founder)
Einsteinian Axiom
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
Gap between Sexuality and God. Gotta talk about Ego Death here. Gotta be willing to die consciously. How does one Realize God, not just believe in Her. That's a whole different level altogether and we're capable of Realizing it. I'm willing to die to prove it.
Sexuality - the molecular energy in human beings can go in two directions: physical (ie: sex, masturbation) or Spiritual (non-physical energy). The west calls this non-physical energy the "SOUL." The east calls this non-physical energy "CHI."
In the west the fruits of this channeled energy resulted in the Art work of Leonardo Davinci, Fra Angelico, William Shakespeare, William Blake and other "Conscious Beings."
In the east, some of the fruits can be seen in the martial artists of the Shaolin Temple, the Tibetan teachings of attaining "Rainbow Body" or "Light Body" levels, not to mention health and general well-being.
Importance: the sexuality of the marketplace is designed or geared more towards ejaculation! There is no Valuation for the higher aspects, potentials and/or possibilities of life.
Mining for oil is an example of this kind of "ejaculatory" mindset. How do we channel our Earth's "Sexual" energy into its Soul. Get rid of the barrier. Idea of death. People worship death. They plan for it, prepare for it, expect it and even make money off it. Christians, instead of teaching deathlessness, they blashpemously preach only ONE MAN could do it. The GIFT of Christianity is their teaching of "Transcendance." That God is Transcendant. This message has been conquered and COPYRIGHTED! It's been EMPIRICIZED - that is to say, taken into the grasp of the empire.
side note: many say everything's an illusion and thus the empire's an illusion. Perhaps what they really mean is that it's non-physical. but, concepts, although more rarified, are a reality in and of themselves the way that Ramtha said that fools say things like "it's only your imagination."
Torre's Safe at Home gala remains a hit
Stars come out in New York to help end domestic violence. "We started something here and we feel it's very important." Joe Torre
NEW YORK -- In some ways, it is almost like Joe Torre never left. His Safe at Home Foundation gala remains a mainstay on the annual event calendar, continuing to draw a very recognizable crowd even though the manager has relocated his office to the other side of the country.
Of course, the gala is a staple because Torre's cause is so worthy. They gathered for the seventh straight year on Friday to dine with the Dodgers skipper at Chelsea Piers, as sports stars and celebrities assembling along the Hudson River to do their part and end the cycle of domestic violence.
"It means a lot, especially having been away for the last couple of years," Torre said. "Seeing the same people walk through that door -- Derek Jeter, Yogi Berra, Bob Gibson, Katie Couric -- it's just a lot of different people giving up their valuable time. We certainly appreciate it."
With his wife, Ali, Torre created the Safe at Home Foundation in 2002 to help bring greater understanding, awareness and compassion to those suffering through the experience of domestic abuse. Its mission is to educate to end the cycle of domestic violence and save lives.
The inspiration was Torre's own childhood. Growing up in Brooklyn, Torre was the youngest of five children and stayed away from home, fearful of his own father, who abused his mother. Growing into a man, Torre lacked confidence and harbored a deep fear of failure.
"What he's been able to do, he's sharing his personal stories," Jeter said. "I'm pretty sure it would be difficult to sit here and talk about some troubling times growing up. For him to take those experiences and try to turn them into a positive to raise awareness and help out families, he deserves credit for that."
Having obtained his fifth World Series title last week, Yankees closer Mariano Rivera was to be the gala's 2009 honoree. Paul Simon was on hand at Pier Sixty to provide musical entertainment during the show.
"He's a Hall of Fame pitcher, but he's also a Hall of Fame person," Torre said of Rivera. "He's a great role model for these youngsters. He hasn't changed one bit from the first day I met him. I can't be more proud."
Said Rivera: "It feels great. I have tremendous respect for Mr. Torre and the Safe at Home foundation has done tremendous. They picked me to be the honoree tonight and I can't be more flattered."
Former Yankees pitcher and current broadcaster David Cone said that Torre's event continues to be a circled date on his calendar, year after year, because the cause is so important.
"I'm just amazed at the courage it took for him to come out and talk about his own family and his father, and to be honest about a real tough topic for a lot of people," Cone said. "I think he's made a huge difference in this area. I'm still amazed at what this foundation has done -- it's one of the premier events in the New York area. He's done amazing things in a short period of time."
The Foundation's signature programming initiative is Margaret's Place, a tribute to Torre's mother, which provides middle and high school students a safe room in schools where they can talk to each other and to a professional counselor trained in domestic violence intervention and prevention.
There are currently 11 Margaret's Places in the tri-state area, with nine sites in middle and high schools and two in the Brooklyn and Queens Family Justice Centers. More information is available at
Torre said that he is hopeful of continuing his work in Los Angeles, but it remains crucial that the progress keeps moving forward in New York. For that, Torre expressed gratitude to all those who purchased event tickets and have otherwise supported his foundation over the years.
"It's not cheap here, trust me," Torre said. "Buying tables and bidding on items helps us continue the work, and we hope we can continue in L.A., but we can't leave here. We started something here and we feel it's very important. We're making some headway."
Suggestions/Food for Thought
- Stay away from drugs..even the often-joked-about-innocently, Marijuana. It can hurt your "chances" of Ascension (you Yeshua Ben Joseph and Ramtha are said to have - not to mention some buddhist masters from certain parts of Asia that has been shown by the Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda characters in the Star Wars films).
- Don't accept automatically that "everyone dies one day." That eliminates the possibilities. Remember that the Kingdom of Heaven is "smaller than a mustard seed" and just because something is invisible doesn't mean it doesn't exist (ie: microscopes see things that are invisible to the naked eye yet clearly exist). Small things are evidently very significant to many people. After all, one of the biggest issues today in America is "health care" and are not many diseases, such as AIDS, microscopic viruses or microscopic cells? One should entertain what is possible in and with their life.
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." Buddha
There is an esoteric idea depicted by the story of "Aladdin and his Magic Lamp". The friction of rubbing the lamp bringing out a genie corresponds to the voluntary suffering of committing to living an Extraordinary Life and ultimately The MOST Extraordinary Life whatever that Highest is to you. This voluntary suffering is an understanding of how things work and how without this desire there can be no Extraordinariness.
One needs to be able to freely and without guilt allowed to access their own inner heat/lava. It will allow you to attain health and true wealth. But, you have to be wealthy first and that is Realization that you are Love and therefore can't die. An individual, from his/her own discretion, must have the self worth and belief that keeps them who they are regardless of the physical consequences.
Mine for the deeper Truth/s and/or Reality/ies and you shall find them.
Drilling for oil. Mining for oil in our Mother Earth. Like the sexual abuse of a yong man wasting his precious fuel - his seed - whether by himself or with another. Internal energy strengthening from within rather than leaking it out. However, on the larger scale of expansion - The Solar New Earth Reality - there is a larger perspective. However, for the one seeking Enlightenment ..we'll see about that one as we go.
We must Love our enemies.
Because they are us as much as our friends are.
There IS no separation. It's an illusion. There's nothing to fear. Love is what is and it can't die. When you lose the fear of death then you are capable of Loving like the Mega-Sages preach about. Otherwise self-protection gets in the way.
So why the urgency?
For the experience.
What's the Ultimate experience? (I mean why cheat yourself; if you're gonna live might as well live the Ultimate)
The Ultimate experience is called...Enlightenment (aka God Realization, True Freedom, Ascension, etc.) Actually, I don't know if Enlightenment is the same as Ascension. More reason TO be Enlightened - to find out.
"Make known the unknown" Ramtha
As a proud student of Ramtha's I've learned a breathing technique that teaches one about accessing one's core and how in that core or at least to get to that core there is an image of the lava pit. Whether it's Christian mythology of "hell, fire and brimstone" or the "Fire of the Holy Spirit" or Chinese medical philosophy talking about "Kidney Fire" warming the body, there is this image this intense and "burning" HEAT.
This Heat corresponds to the hot lava in the earth's surface. (As of now I'd trust Ramtha's teaching over conventional science - look at it's track record: Copernicus, Galileo, flat-earthers, etc.. Ramtha says that the earth's core is NOT hot but hollow and that the Lava comes not from the core but more towards the surface caused by the friction of plate tectonics.)
And when we mine for this "Ancient Sunlight" - these fossil fuels - we are tapping into this source of heat and injecting into our environment...thus, "Global Warming". How can we sustain this?! Doesn't seem right. There needs to be a larger equation. I believe that that larger equation is the moving from a Sun-centered reality to a Galactic Consciousness. The New Sun would be the Galactic Center in whose light we are supposedly entering in this new age.
The New Solar Earth Reality Timeline
I'm not here to tell you that in the near futrue we are in danger of exhausting our planet's fossil fuel supply (whatever number you want to attach to it - 1 month, 1 year, 10 years, etc.) but vis a vis "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight" by Thom Hartmann the planet seems to be getting hotter in temperature (aka global warming) due to the mining and burning of ancient sunlight in the form of fossil fuels which is solar power from the past. Briefly, the Sunlight of the past hits our earth's surface's plants which are eaten by our earth's animals. The remnants of these plants and animals become fossils (ie: earth covers these animal and plant remains, land movements - plate tectonics, earthquakes, wind, water, etc - cause the Solar power stored in these plant and animal remains to go underground. This latent energy gets stored and cultivated like fine wine over time and when mined as we are doing (and using ALOT of through cars and planes), the ancient latent SOLAR energy is getting released on the earth's surface where we live, and therefore we have what we call "Global Warming".
This Universalizes brings us together as a Solar community. An ALL-PLANETS Community. A SOLAR SYSTEM Community. This is a higher level than the Earth level..The "EARTH" level or Global Consciousness is centered in the Earth. The new "SOLAR SYSTEM" Level of consciousness is centered in the SUN and IT's PLANETS; Thus, "The New Solar Earth Reality."
Events, like 911, seen from an Earthly level leads to certain actions like revenge and fear and retaliation. That is an old world Earth-centered behavior. On a "Solar New Earth" one can see what the 911 events represent/smbolize - a collapse of the old systems - aka "The Matrix".
In the old days Chinese would stay in China, and consider the outsiders "Foreign Devils". I'm sure other coutries had the same kind of prejudice. In Europe, different tribes and cultures had their clashes as well. Litttle by little, these cultures started to overlap with the development of more advanced transport systems and technology. In the recent past we've started to gain the notion of a "Global Consciousness". Words like Globalization. A recent example being the Olympics being held in China and the correlate unprecedented "opening up" of China to the rest of the Planet.
Hold on, message from Mother Earth, aka "Terra" know she talks if you the old days they thought that that's the devil talking since the Devil was associated with all things woman and since the Earth is a sad but let's continue:
I, being a late bloomer, can say that it feels like I was just getting a hold of the idea of this Global Consciousness and just as I was getting my feet grounded to that newer consciousness (we're talking about 10 years for me personally and probably 50 years for the world globally) ALREADY I Awaken to a yet higher level of Consciousness that I feel is VERY important to Realize and Recognize. I think films like "An Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore, books such as "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight" by Thom Hartmann and organizations like "Star-Esseenia" talking about the 13.13.13 Solar New Earth Reality Timeline are relevant to the subject of which I'm talking - a shift from a Global Consciousness to a Galactic Consciousness; from a Earth-centered reality to a Solar System-centered reality (thus, "The New Solar Earth..")
Three Kinds of Food
The "Fourth Way" talks about the three types of food - regular food, air and impressions. Maybe the most important thing to learn is how to eat and that the first lesson might be that everything is food. The only difference being HOW you eat the particular type of food. For example, a rock is not really food you eat but through your eyes you can derive some energy from looking at one, touching one, playing with one or even thinking of them. Some have some beautiful colors, etc. Not everyone knows HOW to eat for different reasons. Some possible reasons depending on the person may be:
1) Guilt of being "worthy" enough to "take this life" for "my own benefit". We might say "how dare I!"
2) Beliefs such as the above OR that certain things are alive and other things aren't thereby making it okay for those latter things to be eaten. (But, if everything is food then this logic is invalid).
Another belief could stem from religion. For example, if taught that killing is wrong then one might feel guilt of killing ANYthing. I know of people who are starving themselves in non-physical ways. Weak people. Some of you might observe a negative emotion associated with anyone calling out ANYthing as what it is. That's a clear sign of ahampered ability to eat. That is a limitation. What's an ultimate thought? Death. Can one swallow the food called "I can't die because I am Love and Love can't die?" It's a belief. Can one eat a belief? Well..the answer is yet another belief.
I'm gonna try swallowing that one; I'll let you know how it went.
In other words, there is nothing that you can't swallow. But, you don't always believe that you could swallow that particular thing that you WON'T swallow. And so you continue on in a LIMITED fashion.
Starting to feel like I AM food. So if a shark doesn't eat me then who am I food for?!I know..the environment! Like fossil fuels. so what is our legacy for future? does it matter
does it materialize
does what?
our thoughts.
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